2024B Auction Catalog - 6 item(s) printable view
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Fund-A-Need: Bell Tower Repair
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Help fund the desperately needed repair of our 156-year-old bell tower. AK Masonry, a local father and son minority-owned business will do the work to repair the bell tower. The cost of the repairs is estimated at $32,800, however if more areas of significant rebuilding are needed, this cost may rise. 50000 000000.0 0 .00001E7 1
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Event Raffle
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$10 buys a chance at two seats at an eligible dinner, outing or event of the winner's choice. Eligible events will be listed on a handout available at the Live Auction in Hobbs Hall and in the Live Auction zoom chat room. Two drawings will be held - at the beginning and in the middle of the Live Auction. Must be present in person or via zoom during the Live Auction to win and to immediately select seats desired as the rest will be auctioned off.This is a fixed-price item. 55 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10
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  • Mary Ann Stephens
Jim Pierce: Susquehanna Decoy Maker
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This biography of Jim Pierce, authored by our very own Jack Graham tells the story of one of the most well know decoy carvers of the Chesapeake Bay and the carver of many of the decoys in Jack's collection. (Don't forget to bid on the decoys donated to this year's auction!) 1 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
A0003 A3 Artwork
  • Mary Ann Stephens
Canvass Back Drake Decoy - Half-size
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Canvass Back Drake decoy (half-size) carved by Chesapeake Bay decoy maker, Stiner Pierce of Havre de Grace, Maryland. This decoy has been donated from the Jack Graham decoy collection. (Complete your bid by also bidding on the Jim Pierce biography written by Jack Graham!) 1 000075.0 75 .00035E7 35
A0001 A1 Artwork
  • Mary Ann Stephens
Widgeon Drake Decoy - Half-size
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Widgeon Drake decoy (half-size) carved by Chesapeake Bay decoy maker, Stiner Pierce of Havre de Grace, Maryland. This decoy has been donated from the Jack Graham decoy collection. (Complete your bid by also bidding on the Jim Pierce biography written by Jack Graham!) 1 000075.0 75 .00035E7 35
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Event Raffle
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$10 buys a chance at two seats at an eligible dinner, outing or event of the winner's choice. Eligible events will be listed on a handout available at the Live Auction in Hobbs Hall and in the Live Auction zoom chat room. Two drawings will be held - at the beginning and in the middle of the Live Auction. Must be present in person or via zoom during the Live Auction to win and to immediately select seats desired as the rest will be auctioned off.This is a fixed-price item. 55 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10