2023A Auction Catalog - 5 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
X0014 X14 Excursion
  • Lois Weir & Jennifer May
Cocktail/Mocktail Workshop
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Join Jennifer and Lois for a special evening in which you will learn to prepare and serve a specially curated selection of cocktails. The hands-on workshop will teach you techniques and terminology that you can put to use in your home bar or be knowledgable about when you are ordering a drink at your favorite watering hole. Mocktails that hit similar tasting notes as their boozy counterparts will also be demonstrated, making the evening enjoyable for all. Cheese, crackers, fruit, and other bar snacks will be served. The evening also includes optional overnight accommodations or a Lyft ride home, so that everyone imbibes responsibly.This is a fixed-price item. 12 6 000040.0 40 .0004E7 40 6/17/23 7:00 PM
X0013 X13 Excursion
  • Rev. Steven Protzman
Dinner and a Movie
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Join your UUCK staff for a family friendly evening featuring dinner and a movie in Hobbs Hall. Come enjoy some great home cooking, fellowship with your UUCK "family" followed by a movie (PG-13)! This is a fixed price event at $25 per seat and we have room for 20 adult seats. Plus!! One child will be admitted free with each paying adult. Dinner will accommodate various eating styles -- vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore.This is a fixed-price item. 20 7 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 11/3/23 6:00 PM
X0011 X11 Excursion
  • Diane Kloss & Dave Krantz
  • Claudia Miller
An Afternoon Retreat
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Enjoy this peaceful and calming retreat by joining us for an afternoon salad lunch and rolls, refreshing beverages and a swim. We will gather at 1 PM and lunch will be served shortly thereafter. Bring a swimsuit and towel if you want to take a dip in the pool. If the group wants a bit more activity we can get up a game of pool volleyball. The deck is shaded and pool is heated. Doesn't get much better than that....except for good company and the fact that Claudia is cohosting and you know what that means-yummy desserts. Let's spend the afternoon with each other this summer.This is a fixed-price item. 12 1 000045.0 45 .00075E7 75 7/13/23 1:00 PM
X0005 X5 Excursion
  • Mary & Randy Leeson
Fourth of July Parade Breakfast
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Stow's 4th of July Parade goes down SR59, just a short distance from our house. Park in our driveway, enjoy a hearty breakfast, walk down to watch the parade, then return to the house for coffee and blueberry coffee cake until the traffic is back to normal. Breakfast will have vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options.

Location: Mary & Randy Leeson's house, 3553 Charring Cross, Stow.This is a fixed-price item.

8 2 000015.0 15 .0004E7 40 7/4/23 8:30 AM
W0003 W3 Fellowship Activities
  • Kay Eckman
  • Katie Grigg-Miller
UUchre Night
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Back by popular demand! Spend a fun, relaxing evening of dinner followed by a round robin euchre tournament. No partner necessary, no experience necessary One person will win the coveted title of UUchre Grandmaster and prizes will be awarded to the top and bottom finishers. To be held in either Hobbs or Fessenden Hall. On the menu will be chili, cornbread, salad and dessert. Vegetarian and gluten-free options will be available. A variety of non-alcoholic drinks will be served. If you are new to euchre, don't let that stop you. Katie "The Card Shark" Grigg-Miller will be offering lessons before dinner at 5:30pm to anyone who is not familiar with the game. Euchre is easy to learn and a lot of fun, don't miss it!This is a fixed-price item. 10 3 000020.0 20 .0008E7 80 11/18/23 6:00 PM