Newest items are shown first, or click on column titles to sort differently.
Item0 | Item | Category | Donors | Item Name | Picture | Description | Qty | Buy it Now | Left | Est0 | Est Val | Min0 | Min Price | Date |
FO0011 | FO11 | Food |
| Chocolate cake | Home baked chocolate cake | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .0001E7 | 10 | |||
AR0017 | AR17 | Member's Artwork |
| Handmade hot pink yarn basket | Made with loving hands | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | |||
AR0016 | AR16 | Member's Artwork |
| Handmade cream pillow | Handmade pillow made with loving care | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
AR0015 | AR15 | Member's Artwork |
| Handmade green pillow | Handmade pillow made with loving care | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
AR0014 | AR14 | Member's Artwork |
| Large glass chalice #3 |
This beautiful stained glass chalice was created by UUCB's own Jamie Shuey, Hang it in your window and enjoy its simple beauty. | 1 | 1 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
AR0013 | AR13 | Member's Artwork |
| Large glass chalice # 2 | The chalice is the iconic symbol of our faith. This gorgeous glass chalice was created by UUCB's own Jamie Shuey. Two of her creations hang in the Sky Room. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
AR0012 | AR12 | Member's Artwork |
| Large glass chalice #1 | "This little light of mine-I'm gonna let it shine"-right through this beautiful glass symbol of our faith. Created by UUCB's own Jamie Shuey whose artistic renditions of chalices have been a big hit at many UUA General Assemblies. | 1 | 1 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
AR0011 | AR11 | Member's Artwork |
| Medium glass chalice #3 | The chalice is the iconic symbol of our faith. Glass chalices created by UUCB's own Jamie Shuey have been a big hit at many UUA General ASsemblies. Two of her creations hang in our Sky Room. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
AR0010 | AR10 | Member's Artwork |
| Medium Glass chalice #2 | "This little light of mine-I'm gonna let it shine"- right through this beautiful stained glass symbol of out faith. Created by UUCB's own Jamie Shuey whose artistic renditions of chalices have been a big hit at many UUA General Assemblies. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
AR0009 | AR9 | Member's Artwork |
| Medium glass chalice #1 | You can take home this iconic symbol of our faith. This gorgeous glass chalice was created by UUCB's own Jamie Shuey. Her creations have been a hit at many UUCB General Assemblies. | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
AR0008 | AR8 | Member's Artwork |
| Small chalice | The chalice is the iconic symbol of our faith. Glass chalices, created by UUCB's own Jamie Shuey, have been a hit at many UUA General Assemblies. Two of her creations hang in the Sky Room. | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | |||
SE0007 | SE7 | Services |
| Plant Identification | Registered Landscape Architect Joan Lutz (John's partner) will accompany you on a walk or hike of your choice in spring and describe the vegetation and its role in the ecosystem to you. | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0001E7 | 10 | |||
MI0023 | MI23 | Miscellaneous |
| Coming Together | A multimedia acrylic artwork provided by | 1 | 0 | 000250.0 | 250 | .00075E7 | 75 | 11/9/19 5:00 PM | ||
FF0041 | FF41 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Dinner Ticket 6:30 p.m. Seating Auction Night | We have just a few tickets left for each of the dinner seatings on Auction Night, Saturday, November 9, 2019. You can buy these on-line and pay with your other auction bids. This bid is for the 6:30 p.m. seating. | 2 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 11/9/19 6:30 PM | ||
FF0040 | FF40 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Dinner Ticket 6:00 p.m. Seating Auction Night | We have just a few tickets left for each of the dinner seatings on Auction Night, Saturday, November 9, 2019. You can buy these on-line and pay with your other auction bids. This bid is for the 6:00 p.m. seating. | 4 | 4 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 11/9/19 6:00 PM | ||
FF0039 | FF39 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Dinner Ticket 5:30 p.m. Seating Auction Night | We have just a few tickets left for each of the dinner seatings on Auction Night, Saturday, November 9, 2019. You can buy these on-line and pay with your other auction bids. This bid is for the 5:30 p.m. seating. | 6 | 6 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 11/9/19 5:30 PM | ||
AN0002 | AN2 | Antiques |
| One of a kind small lamp | Beautiful one of a kind small lamp with 2 pale orange, round lampshades. Base has branches with leaves. A small button on the base adjusts levels of brightness. | 1 | 0 | 000035.0 | 35 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
FF0038 | FF38 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Soup Exchange | Make your favorite soup and bring to the Kropp/Moore residence. Taste others' soup creations and bring home as many soups as are availble. Take home containers will be available provided. Hordorves and beverages will be served. | 10 | -1 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00015E7 | 15 | 2/16/20 1:00 PM | ||
FF0037 | FF37 | Feasts & Festivities |
| 10 Toasts! | Inspired by the book The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker, we’re hosting an early Sunday-evening dinner and conversation. We’ll let you know the topic when you sit down to hearty soups (one for vegans and the other for meat-lovers), salad, breads, cheeses, wine and non-alcoholic beverages, and dessert. The challenge will be to share a story from your life that responds to the topic, perhaps something no one has heard before. If you’re up for an evening of yummy food and sharing a little deeper, we hope you’ll join us! | 8 | 1 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0002E7 | 20 | 2/2/20 5:30 PM | ||
SE0006 | SE6 | Services |
| One Persian Meal Per Month for Dec 2019-Nov 2020 |
I will prepare one Persian dinner for 2-4 persons per month and deliver it to you. We’ll need to arrange delivery details once we know each other. Persian meals do contain meat or chicken. | 1 | 0 | 000120.0 | 120 | .0012E7 | 120 | |||
FF0036 | FF36 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Nowruz - Persian New Year Celebration |
Please join us at our home to celebrate Nowruz, the Persian New Year. We’ll be serving traditional Nowruz dishes, sweets, and treats. I will explain the history of this holiday and its traditions. | 20 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | 3/28/20 4:00 PM | ||
AR0007 | AR7 | Member's Artwork |
| Outer Hebrides #3 | Oil painting on canvas 16 x 16 x 1 1/2, Bill Wilson - Longmont Artist | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0004E7 | 40 | |||
ED0006 | ED6 | Lessons and Classes |
| A Good End | Join me for an in-depth conversation about facing death. I am a certified End of Life Doula who has sat vigil with more than 50 people at the end of their lives. I will share ideas of what a Good Death is and the ways you can prepare. We will not focus on legal and medical documents as much as the emotional, mental, and spiritual ways we can tackle the inevitable. I will share ideas and tips on supporting the dying, research about the best ways to face our own mortality, and include choices for what to do with our remains. Come ready to laugh and cry and we explore one of the most profound moments in all of our lives. | 10 | 2 | 000035.0 | 35 | .0001E7 | 10 | 2/1/20 2:00 PM | ||
BA0005 | BA5 | Baskets |
| Beginner Knitting Basket | Hat loom, Knitting Books, Yarn, Needles | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0001E7 | 10 | |||
MI0022 | MI22 | Miscellaneous |
| 4 Balls of Yarn | 4 balls of specialty "stained glass" yarn. | 1 | 0 | 000024.0 | 24 | .0001E7 | 10 | |||
MI0021 | MI21 | Miscellaneous |
| Knit Your Own Scarf Kit | Kit includes yarn, needles and directions to knit your own scarf! | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00005E7 | 5 | |||
MI0020 | MI20 | Miscellaneous |
| Knit Your Own Scarf Kit | Kit includes yarn, needles and directions to knit your own scarf! | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00005E7 | 5 | |||
MI0019 | MI19 | Miscellaneous |
| Knit Your Own Scarf kit | Kit includes yarn, needles and directions to knit your own scarf! | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00005E7 | 5 | |||
MI0018 | MI18 | Miscellaneous |
| Flower Pot |
Green Outdoor Flowerpot 9 inches tall and 8 1/2 inches across top not able to upload photo | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | |||
FO0010 | FO10 | Food |
| Winter Soup, Salad & Dessert Luncheon |
Join a lively group of UUs in my home for a winter soup*, salad and dessert lunch at 1:00pm on Sunday, January 19, 2019 after church. I will serve a selection of soups with and without meat, served with regular and gluten-free bread, salad, dessert and wine. Minimum bid: $25.00/person *NOTE: My soups may use combinations of onions, garlic and various herbs and spices as a base. Please plan accordingly. | 8 | 1 | 000040.0 | 40 | .00025E7 | 25 | 1/19/20 1:00 PM | ||
FO0009 | FO9 | Food |
| Homemade Scones with jam or lemon curd |
One dozen homemade hot scones **to order, served with jam or lemon curd. Declared "the best scones in the world"* , eight winning bidders will receive one dozen fresh scones** to order. When?? Dates flexible, one weeks notice, please, to be picked up at my home in Boulder or UUCB. Minimum bid: $20.00 *Quote from my best friend and former co-workers! | 6 | -2 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
ED0005 | ED5 | Lessons and Classes |
| Making a great pie! |
Pie season is here! Have you ever wanted to learn to make a pie from scratch but were not sure how to begin? Join me in my home for a personal, hands on class. I’ll supply the ingredients, including a pie pan, and you leave a few hours later with a fresh made pie, This is a personal class, date to be agreed upon. Light snacks will be provided. Two classes are being offered, one person per class. | 4 | 1 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
FF0035 | FF35 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Treats and Knitting | Come join Suzy for an afternoon of knitting, crocheting or sewing. Snacks provided. I have some yarn, needles and fabric, if you need it, OR bring your own project. (We have one cat and are located in Lakewood!!) | 6 | 4 | 000015.0 | 15 | .0001E7 | 10 | 2/8/20 2:00 PM | ||
ED0004 | ED4 | Lessons and Classes |
| Art Cards: Sip, Snack and Paint | How can you break through information overload and convey a meaningful message? With a personal note, of course! Janet will offer some instruction and demonstrations of basic watercolor techniques, then we’ll try it out on postcards and notecards. Wine/non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will add to the camaraderie. No artistic skills or background needed, the focus is on creative fun! All supplies will be provided. You will go home with a handout you can use to create your own art cards. Janet offers similar workshops, sans refreshments, at Two Hands Paperie and the BVSD Lifelong Learning Program._See: or (4 hour session) | 10 | 8 | 000125.0 | 125 | .0005E7 | 50 | 2/23/20 1:00 PM | ||
FF0034 | FF34 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Italian Dinner in home | Join us for one of our favorite family meals - Chicken Picatta, Mushroom Risotto, Pasta, Salad, Dessert and Wine. | 8 | -1 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0003E7 | 30 | 3/21/20 7:00 PM | ||
SE0005 | SE5 | Services |
| Sermon Topic of Your Choice | Rev. Posa will do a sermon on a topic of the winner's choice, but, what he says about that topic will be determined by him. | 1 | 0 | 000300.0 | 300 | .0025E7 | 250 | |||
OV0003 | OV3 | Overnights |
| Winter Park Condo, Crestview Unit 605 |
Enjoy 5-days over Thanksgiving in the mountains. This three-story three-bedroom three-bath condo is located in the heart of Winter Park, across the street from Cooper Creek Square. Views of the ski area, the continental divide, and downtown Winter Park. Queen size bed in the master bedroom, queen size murphy bed and bunk beds in the second bedroom, and three single beds in the third-floor bedroom. Covered parking, elevator access, and two community hot tubs. | 1 | 1 | 000750.0 | 750 | .0E7 | 0 | |||
FF0033 | FF33 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Live Background Music for Your Party | John C (harmonica), Bill Galerstein(guitar), Steve Todd (bass), and Heidi Todd (percussion) will perform 1-2 hours of background music (jazz standards, pop, blues, etc) for your cocktail party, dinner, or auction event in Boulder area. For up to 50 attendees. Or host a cocktail party with drinks and snacks at UUCB, with us providing musical entertainment. | 1 | 0 | 000200.0 | 200 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
MI0017 | MI17 | Miscellaneous |
| Book Swap - Inspired by the wonderful and fun Clothes Swap! |
Do you have an abundance of books? Some you have probably read and loved. Some you never finished - or even started.... This is your chance to forgive yourself for not reading them all and let them go! Bring your bags or boxes of books and take home some wonderful new reading material! We'll organize them roughly by category. We'll have some snacks and beverages to make it a festive | 30 | 22 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 1/12/20 2:00 PM | ||
AR0006 | AR6 | Member's Artwork |
| Package I f 10 small note cards | Handmade but UUCB member artist Linda Tharp. Printed on photo paper, the package contains 10 note cards. | 1 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00003E7 | 3 | |||
AR0005 | AR5 | Member's Artwork |
| Handmade book marks | UUCB member artist Linda Tharp has created this packet of 10 bookmarks. Printed on photo pAper. | 5 | 4 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00003E7 | 3 | |||
AR0004 | AR4 | Member's Artwork |
| Nature Greeting Cards | Handmade but UUCB member artist Linda Tharp, this package of two cards is the perfect way to send your message! | 12 | 4 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00005E7 | 5 | |||
FF0032 | FF32 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Favolosa Festa Italiana e Vino (a.k.a. Fabulous Italian Feast with wine pairing) | Dine like a Roman! Join us for a leisurely evening of traditional Italian dining- antipasti, primi, secondi, contori and dulce. We will prepare a banquet of family recipes and new dishes with each course paired with a different wine. Buon Appetito! | 10 | -1 | 000085.0 | 85 | .0005E7 | 50 | 4/25/20 6:00 PM | ||
FF0031 | FF31 | Feasts & Festivities |
| African Safari Adventure- Tales, Pictures and "Sundowners" | Visit Steve & Heidi Todd's foothills home for an afternoon of African wildlife photography, safari stories, and camaraderie. Besides our "select images" slideshow, enjoy wine, beer, soft drinks, and hors d'oeuvres in traditional safari "Sundowner" style. | 16 | -1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 12/7/19 2:30 PM | ||
FF0030 | FF30 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Game Night: "Quintangled- A Game of Strategy, Chance and Destiny" |
Join us for an evening with one of the co-creators of this game, local artist and author, Sue Lion. We'll play the game together while enjoying appetizers and beverages. The game is unique to the marketplace, especially in the mind/body/spirit genre. Quintangled’s design was inspired by two powerful and universal ideas – the Heroic Journey and Archetypes – and the work of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung respectively. Quintangled is not about world domination, no armies are amassed, and no one is killed in battle. Instead, just like life, the power of players’ choices, and the influence of seemingly random events, determine each game’s outcome. Roll the die, meet the Wizard, receive your first three Magical Aid cards, then cross the threshold to begin. Travel around the board by moving in any direction (no backtracking allowed!). That sets you up for some fun strategy by using special spaces and taking advantage of Magical Aid cards. Accomplish certain required acts before you enter the Abyss, then tackle different requirements after emerging from the Abyss - all in good fun. Points are gathered along the way that represent wisdom gained. The first person to make it Home stops the game but it’s the highest point score that wins the game - sometimes a big surprise but true to real life. Our fondest wish is that you have fun while you travel the realm of Quintangled and meet your destiny (can you hear the trumpet's call!). | 6 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0002E7 | 20 | 5/9/20 6:00 PM | ||
MI0016 | MI16 | Miscellaneous |
| Meade 4.5" Equatorial Reflecting Telescope | Meade DS-114EQ-DH4: Originally purchased for approx. $250, this gently used telescope has very good optics for its size and price range. Includes tripod, battery-operated star finder, two lenses and instruction manual. | 1 | 0 | 000125.0 | 125 | .00075E7 | 75 | |||
MI0015 | MI15 | Miscellaneous |
| Casio Keyboard LK-170/Sound EFX Sampler | This very, very gently used keyboard with stand includes quick start guide and songbook. Great Christmas present for your favorite budding musician! | 1 | 0 | 000120.0 | 120 | .00075E7 | 75 | |||
FO0008 | FO8 | Food |
| Josh's Sierra Nuggets | On November 9th the winning bidder will take home a cookie jar filled with spicy and savory cookies, our son Josh's absolute favorite! As described in the recipe (which we'll gladly share), "These are the best chocolate chip cookies ever because of their unusualness. This cookie combines oats, nuts, spices and chocolate, all for a wonderful and savory treat." Yummmmmm! | 1 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0003E7 | 30 | |||
FO0007 | FO7 | Food |
| Bittersweet Chocolate Cake with Dried Cherries | The winning bidder will receive this decadent chocolate cake for any occasion, personally delivered in the Boulder County area. (Please provide a couple of days notice.) This cake has consistently been a favorite of family and friends and will be a delicious ending to a special dinner. We hope if becomes a favorite for you and yours. The recipe will be gladly shared. | 1 | 0 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
MI0014 | MI14 | Miscellaneous |
| Shawl | Beautiful handmade shawl knitted by a member of the UUCB knitting club. | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00007E7 | 7 | |||
MI0013 | MI13 | Miscellaneous |
| Scarf | This scarf was made by a member of the UUCB knitting club. | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00007E7 | 7 | |||
MI0012 | MI12 | Miscellaneous |
| Buttonhole Scarf | This lovely fluffy soft light blue scarf was made as a collaborative project at UUCB. | 1 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00005E7 | 5 | |||
BA0004 | BA4 | Baskets |
| Interchangeable Knitting Needle Basket | This basket includes never used "Denise" Interchangeable knitting needles, (a 60 dollar value), 6 skeins of luxurious bamboo yarn, 3 books (24 Hour projects, Scarves, and Poncho) and a DVD, "Cables, Bobbles and Lace". | 1 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .0004E7 | 40 | |||
BA0003 | BA3 | Baskets |
| Beginning Knitter Basket | A beautiful basket filled with some starter yarn, needles, A "Knifty Knitter" Round loom series to make hats, booties and scarves. A video to get you started, some books for ideas. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .0003E7 | 30 | |||
AN0001 | AN1 | Antiques |
| Vintage 1940 Heirloom Homemade Quilt | Gorgeous large, handmade quilt, finished in Nov 1940. Has date woven into back. In great condition. White quilt with pink trim and unusual quilt blocks with large flowers or patterns in bold colors. Will be on display at the auction. | 1 | 1 | 000250.0 | 250 | .0015E7 | 150 | |||
FF0029 | FF29 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Mediterranean Buffet Dinner | Mediterranean Buffet Dinner offered by Toni PC and Diana Maiden. Come join us for good food, good wine, and most importantly good friends old and new! Home cooked gourmet mediterranean dinner with wine. Gluten free and vegetarian options available; children welcome at no cost. Location is Toni's house in South Boulder. We can take a total of 30 adults. Hope you can come! | 30 | -2 | 000035.0 | 35 | .00025E7 | 25 | 6/6/20 5:30 PM | ||
FF0028 | FF28 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Walking in England over Moors, Dales, Escarpments, and Cliffs |
Meet at Janet and George’s home in Broomfield at 5:00 p.m. for a one-hour hike along the Lake Link Trail with views of the Front Range, Longs Peak, and the mountains beyond. Or come at 6:30 p.m. to join the returning hikers for a hearty traditional English meal, followed by stories and a slideshow highlighting three different walks. The Cotswold Way, the Dales Way, and the Cleveland Way total 300+ miles of footpaths and cover many of the diverse sights of England. | 8 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0003E7 | 30 | 6/27/20 5:00 PM | ||
FF0027 | FF27 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Oatmeal Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancake Brunch | This hearty pancake recipe was passed down through my mom & dad in Regina, Sask. years ago. Delicious meal with blueberries, maple syrup, whip cream, fruit, OJ, coffee/lattes, etc. | 6 | -1 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0002E7 | 20 | 12/7/19 9:00 AM | ||
FF0026 | FF26 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Dessert and Fishbowl Charades |
Join us for a Fun Friday game night. We'll be playing Fishbowl -a combination of charades and catch phrase. Appropriate for youth and older. After dinner event with desserts and drinks provided. | 12 | 3 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00008E7 | 8 | 4/3/20 7:30 PM | ||
MI0011 | MI11 | Miscellaneous |
| Cowboy Boots |
Justin Women's Boots - Turquoise and brown - Size 10B Combination of ostrich and goat leathers In original box, $199 new Worn twice, not fully broken in | 1 | 0 | 000200.0 | 200 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
MB0004 | MB4 | Mind, Body and Spirit |
| Energy Balancing session | Treat yourself to a one-hour relaxing, energy-healing session with over 20 different modalities used to balance your mind, body, and spirit. Check out my website at | 2 | 0 | 000081.0 | 81 | .00027E7 | 27 | |||
FF0025 | FF25 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Gathering on the Patio | Come and join us for drinks, snacks and conversation in our backyard on what I'm sure will be the perfect Sunday afternoon from 4 - 60 pm. All ages welcomed. | 20 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 8/2/20 4:00 PM | ||
AR0003 | AR3 | Member's Artwork |
| Sampler Patchwork Quilt - handsewn, machine quilted |
Sampler Quilt with star-burst center surrounded by squares of different patterns around the edges; Hand-pieced, machine quilted Cotton, 100 x 100 inches Yellow - Red - Blue - Green - White A great gift for someone special, . . . | 1 | 0 | 000350.0 | 350 | .0025E7 | 250 | |||
FF0024 | FF24 | Feasts & Festivities |
| New York Bagel Breakfast | What is your favorite bagel flavor - poppy, sesame, onion, everything? Join native New Yorkers Catherine Marsh and Art Rich in their home in Erie and learn to make New York-style bagels. You will mix, roll, boil and bake your own bagels. Then enjoy a traditional bagel breakfast of lox, cream cheese, onions and capers. | 6 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00025E7 | 25 | 4/18/20 9:30 AM | ||
FF0023 | FF23 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Formal Wine Tasting |
Please join Sharon and Bill Belew for a formal tasting of 4 pairs of classic European vs. domestic wines, 2 x 2 whites, then 2 x 2 reds. We will sample one flight at a time, comparing the color, bouquet, fruit, body and finish for each pair. (Those who are already wine aficionados can supply even more adjectives.) Each wine is available at one or more Boulder wine store at an average price of $25 +. Please eat a light meal before coming, then enjoy an evening made special by your presence, discoveries and lively conversation. There will be cheese and dessert and coffee and Wine and Roses ;-), bien sur. | 8 | -2 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0003E7 | 30 | 1/25/20 7:00 PM | ||
EX0005 | EX5 | Day Excursions/Adventures |
| Summer Sail and Brunch | Join Captain Art Rich and First Mate Catherine Marsh for a two hour sail on Lake Dillon in Summit County. We will start the day with a delicious brunch at our condo in Silverthorne then go down the mountain to the lake. Sit back and enjoy the mountain views or do some "hands on" sailing. Date to be agreed upon | 2 | 0 | 000150.0 | 150 | .00075E7 | 75 | |||
BA0002 | BA2 | Baskets |
| Breakfast Gift Basket | On a cold winter morning take a few moments to enjoy breakfast together?? | 1 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0005E7 | 50 | |||
MI0010 | MI10 | Miscellaneous |
| Child’s lap harp | A lovely child’s wooden lap harp, comes with easy-to-follow music, a pick, and storage case. Throwing in a child’s string game and some lovely Mercurius wooden coloring pencils. Beautiful music and laughter for your kindergarten - 2nd grader! | 1 | 0 | 000065.0 | 65 | .00035E7 | 35 | |||
BA0001 | BA1 | Baskets |
| Holiday gift basket |
Holiday cards, mugs, tea, ornaments, CD, cranberry orange bread (eat now or freeze), and more! Enjoy yourself or give away the basket as a whole or give the items as separate gifts! | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
GC0001 | GC1 | Gift Certificates and Tickets |
| Tickets to Rocky Mountain Chorale Concert | Tickets for "I Had No Time to Hate," Rocky Mountain Chorale's concert for either Friday, Nov. 22, in Longmont or Saturday, Nov. 23, in Boulder. Both concerts at 7:30 p.m. Music from many genres - including classical, John Lennon, folk, and musical theater. The final piece is by UU musician Nick Page, who conducted workshops at the UU choir retreat last year! Seven UUCBers are members of the RM Chorale. | 4 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00013E7 | 13 | |||
FF0022 | FF22 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Trivial Pursuit and Pie | We'll play a rollicking game of 60's Trivial Pursuit and have pie from the Walnut Cafe. Location: my home in Gunbarrel. Snow date the following Saturday. | 5 | 0 | 000012.0 | 12 | .00012E7 | 12 | 3/14/20 7:00 PM | ||
ED0003 | ED3 | Lessons and Classes |
| Wilderness Weaving -- Spring Surprises |
Natural and found objects will be used to create an art piece which will be a metaphor for you and your relationship with the natural world. Participants will learn methods of working with gathered materials. We will meet at UUCB. Dress for some time outside the church. | 10 | 10 | 000035.0 | 35 | .0002E7 | 20 | 4/18/20 12:00 PM | ||
ED0002 | ED2 | Lessons and Classes |
| Wilderness Weaving -- Winter Wonders |
Natural and found objects will be used to create an art piece which will be a metaphor for you and your relationship with the natural world. Participants will learn methods of working with gathered materials. We will meet at UUCB. Dress for some time outside the church. | 10 | 8 | 000035.0 | 35 | .0002E7 | 20 | 2/8/20 12:00 PM | ||
MB0003 | MB3 | Mind, Body and Spirit |
| Drum Circle with Diana Mapes | Join in a celebratory drum circle. Diana will start the fun with a short lesson so everybody can feel confident and have fun. Other percussion instruments are welcome. Drums are available or bring your own | 20 | 15 | 000030.0 | 30 | .0001E7 | 10 | 2/2/20 5:00 PM | ||
MI0009 | MI9 | Miscellaneous |
| Sterling Silver Necklaces | Two sterling silver heart necklaces, handmade by UUCB member, Suzanne Lee. Perfect for mother/daughter or best friends. | 1 | 1 | 000050.0 | 50 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
MI0008 | MI8 | Miscellaneous |
| Handmade Black Mala Necklace | Mediation is tricky! It can be challenging to sit still and quiet your mind for a period of time. Malas are used as a tool to help the mind focus on mediation or count mantras in sets of 108 repetitions. This beautiful black mala neecklace, handmade by UUCB member Suzanne Lee, can assist your meditation practice and / or add an elegant touch to that special night out. | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0003E7 | 30 | |||
MI0007 | MI7 | Miscellaneous |
| Handmade Blue Mala necklace |
Meditation is tricky! It can be challenging to sit still and quiet your mind for a period of time. Malas are a tool to help the mind focus on mediation or count mantras in sets of 108 repetitions. This gorgeous blue Mala necklace was handmade by UUCB member Suzanne Lee, use it for meditation and/or as a beautiful piece of jewelry. | 1 | 0 | 000040.0 | 40 | .0003E7 | 30 | |||
FO0006 | FO6 | Food |
| Homemade NY bagels | One dozen homemade bagels delivered to you warm from the oven on a Sunday morning. Your choice of your favorite toppings including sesame, poppy, onion, salt and everything. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
FF0021 | FF21 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Sail Italy's Amalphi coast & tour Sicily...then desert is served. | Sail the Amalphi coast, stop at Stromboll island with its active volcano, See Utica island and then enter Sicily at Palermo, see Roman antiquates along the southern coast ending at mount Etna at Catania. We will also serve you dessert. | 15 | 4 | 000018.0 | 18 | .00015E7 | 15 | 3/17/20 7:00 PM | ||
FF0020 | FF20 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Ireland: Ulster and the Republic Slide Show, with Refreshments |
Travelogue of Judith's trip to Ireland in early June 2019. Ancient and Modern, Heroes and Emigrants, Countryside and City - Ireland has many faces and stories. Located in Sky Room at UUCB, Irish Soda Bread and various non-alcohol beverages provided. | 20 | 12 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00007E7 | 7 | 3/15/20 3:00 PM | ||
FF0019 | FF19 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Another London Slide Show with Tea and Scones |
Travelogue of Judith's stay in London May 2019. You've visited or seen pictures of palaces and Parliament. Here are some other places of interest, focusing on “The City”, “South of the Thames”, "and Other Gems"; Located in the Emerson room at UUCB, light refreshment provided. | 20 | 11 | 000010.0 | 10 | .00007E7 | 7 | 2/15/20 2:00 PM | ||
FF0018 | FF18 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Chinese New Year Dinner |
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with won ton soup, egg rolls, lemon salad with or without shrimp, Asian rice pilaf, chicken or tofu with broccoli, green tea ice cream, and fortune cookies. All food needs may be accommodated - gluten-free, vegan, dairy free, etc. | 6 | -2 | 000025.0 | 25 | .0002E7 | 20 | 1/25/20 6:00 PM | ||
MI0006 | MI6 | Miscellaneous |
| Painting of poppies | Approximate size 12x14 inches | 1 | 1 | 000070.0 | 70 | .0002E7 | 20 | |||
MI0005 | MI5 | Miscellaneous |
| Oil painting of Mountain Scene | Approximate size 24x30 inches. By Margo Schneider. | 1 | 0 | 000150.0 | 150 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
EX0004 | EX4 | Day Excursions/Adventures |
| Fabulous Finds in Boulder County Thrift Stores | Explore Boulder County's secondhand treasure troves with Sally and Ellen. A variety of venues will be visited and a box lunch will be included. We will meet in the church parking lot at 10am. | 9 | 25 | 1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 4/25/20 10:00 AM | |
MB0002 | MB2 | Mind, Body and Spirit |
| Stimulating Conversation with Homemade Breakfast - Second Offering |
"Deep Conversations with the right people are priceless." "Deep conversations with open minded people are one of my most favorite things ever." "I love how just ONE deep conversation can change entirely how you view someone." Have a conundrum? Ask a group of our amazing and creative UUs for their input. I have co-facilitated formal conversation groups for several years. Here is the format: | 7 | 5 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | 8/1/20 9:40 AM | ||
MB0001 | MB1 | Mind, Body and Spirit |
| Stimulating Conversations With Homemade Breakfast - First Offering |
"Deep Conversations with the right people are priceless." "Deep conversations with open minded people are one of my most favorite things ever." "I love how just ONE deep conversation can change entirely how you view someone." Have a conundrum to solve? Ask a group of our amazing and creative UUs for their input. I have co-facilitated formal conversation groups for several years. Here is the format: | 7 | 3 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0001E7 | 10 | 6/13/20 9:40 AM | ||
AR0001 | AR1 | Member's Artwork |
| Horse-like iceberg on the Antarctic Peninsula | Framed photograph of iceberg in the Lemaire Strait, Antarctica. | 1 | 1 | 000065.0 | 65 | .0006E7 | 60 | |||
AR0002 | AR2 | Member's Artwork |
| Scorched forest, Torres Nat'l Park | Framed photograph of the Cuernos peaks and forest, taken in the Torres National Park, Chile | 1 | 1 | 000065.0 | 65 | .0006E7 | 60 | |||
FF0017 | FF17 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Womans Brunch and easy walk | Join Carol and other women at my home for a brunch on our deck overlooking Boulder, friendly conversation and short, easy walk around my neighborhood | 7 | -1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 6/6/20 10:00 AM | ||
FF0016 | FF16 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Couples Brunch | Come join Reed and Carol for a brunch (champagne is you like) on our deck overlooking Boulder, with friendly, interesting conversation. NOTE: fixed price is $20 per person, so 8 places are available for 4 couples. | 6 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 | 5/30/20 9:30 AM | ||
FF0015 | FF15 | Feasts & Festivities |
| A Toast to Dianne Ewing (Sharing memories with prose, poetry or song) |
Bring your stories, songs or poems to share while we enjoy a delicious dinner. Let's celebrate Dianne's endless contributions to UUCB and beyond. We will lift our glasses in admiration to all she has given us. P.S. This is a toast, not a roast | 8 | 0 | 000030.0 | 30 | .00025E7 | 25 | 2/22/20 5:30 PM | ||
FF0014 | FF14 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Alsacian 4 course dinner with Alsacian wine pairings | Alsacian Food? It's the best of France and Germany combined! We will start with tarte flambee (alsacian style pizza) and onion tarte. A salad/veggie/spaetzle course. The main entrees will be choucroute garnie (Alsatian Braised Sauerkraut With Mixed Meats and Sausages) and Potato, Turnip, and Spinach Baeckeoffe (a traditional casserole I've made vegetarian) and then various desserts from the area. The wines will include all the noble grapes of the region: Riesling, Muscat, Pinot Gris and Gewurztraminer as well as Sylvaner, Pinot Noir and hopefully a sparkling (cremant) and a late harvest. | 8 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .00075E7 | 75 | 1/11/20 6:00 PM | ||
FF0013 | FF13 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Making Great Homemade Pizza (beverages/wine, salad and dessert included) | Learn Mary's and George's secrets for making better homemade pizza while tasting 4 widely available "value" ($15-and-under) wines at our home in Louisville. We'll start from scratch, with tips on mixing, rolling out, topping, and baking the dough to produce homemade pizza with crispy, chewy, nonsoggy crusts (Sorry, NOT gluten free, but we'll make veggie pizzas alongside ones with Italian sausage and other craft meat toppings). Salad and dessert also provided. | 6 | 30 | -3 | 000045.0 | 45 | .00025E7 | 25 | 1/25/20 5:00 PM | |
FO0005 | FO5 | Food |
| Hors d'oeuvre Platter for 5-6 | Having a dinner party? Why not have your Variety hors'doeuvre platter delivered? Either to your Boulder home or UUCB; Date to be agreed upon. | 1 | 0 | 000035.0 | 35 | .0003E7 | 30 | |||
FF0012 | FF12 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament | Join the Rowe boys for a Super Smash Bros Ninentendo Switch team tournament. No experience necessary - the morning will be for learning the game. Tournament after lunch. It's a video game - best for 11+. Pizza lunch and snacks provided! | 8 | 3 | 000015.0 | 15 | .0001E7 | 10 | 12/14/19 10:00 AM | ||
FF0011 | FF11 | Feasts & Festivities |
| A Spanish Evening - Dinner Party | Join us for our eighth annual dinner party of good company and yummy Spanish dishes, including sangria, gambas al ajillo, paella, solomillo (pork) al whiskey, red onion and orange salad, and crema Catalana. | 8 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0004E7 | 40 | 2/1/20 5:30 PM | ||
MI0004 | MI4 | Miscellaneous |
| Return of the UUCB Clothing Swap! | After a year's hiatus, the UUCB Clothing swap is back! Have you ever looked in your closet and been tired of all the clothes you see? Or items looked good in the store, but didn't work out? Those items are perfect for a clothing swap! Bring your gently worn clothes to the church--accessories, too. We'll separate them by rough sizes and see if something that just doesn't work for you can find a new home in someone else's closet! We'll have some snacks and beverages to make it a festive event. | 30 | 26 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 1/25/20 7:00 PM | ||
SE0003 | SE3 | Services |
| Estate Plan by Braverman Law Group, LLC | Diedre Braverman, attorney, will prepare your will, power of attorney for finance, power of attorney for healthcare, living will and HIPAA release. This is for one person but can be applied as $1,600 toward a joint plan. Diedre is a Stanford Law graduate who has been planning and administering estates for over twenty years. Braverman Law Group offers the highest quality services for discerning clients. | 1 | 0 | 001600.0 | 1,600 | .003E7 | 300 | |||
FO0004 | FO4 | Food |
| Lemon Tart | This tart is made with Olive Oil instead of butter. The person requesting it said it was to die for, but no need to go that far. Just bid high. Give me a couple of days notice and I'll deliver it within a reasonable distance. | 1 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00012E7 | 12 | |||
FF0010 | FF10 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Everyone's Favorite Comedy Night | Here we go again--bring whatever you think is funny and we'll share with the others who show up. Bring your VHS tapes, records, cassettes, DVD's or what have you (sorry, but no BetaMax or 8 track). Please identify short parts of movies, etc. in advance. Here's your chance to try your hand at stand-up. If you tell us about something you've seen, we'll try to find clips on YouTube for you. Dessert and decaf coffee and tea will be served. | 12 | -1 | 000015.0 | 15 | .00012E7 | 12 | 4/4/20 7:00 PM | ||
FO0003 | FO3 | Food |
| Cherry Apple Pie | The sweet taste of Honeycrisp apples and the tartness of Montmorency cherries make this pie a winner. The first time I made it, I said it was the best pie I ever made. Later, I decided it was actually the best pie I ever ate. Give me a few days notice, and I'll make it and deliver within a reasonable distance. | 1 | 0 | 000020.0 | 20 | .00015E7 | 15 | |||
SE0002 | SE2 | Services |
| Medication Therapy Review |
This is a 1-on-1 consultation to review all of your medications (Rx, OTC, herbal, etc) with a pharmacist in a relaxed setting for up to 1 hour. You will learn more about your medications, and I can help address concerns about side effects, difficulty with taking medications, and how best to take them for desired outcomes. Meeting at agreed-upon time and place | 10 | 7 | 000100.0 | 100 | .00029E7 | 29 | |||
FF0009 | FF9 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Wind River Range Slide Show | Join us on a photographic journey of the Wind River Range in Wyoming. In the early fall of 2019, we trekked in 15 miles to explore the solitude and grandeur of this wild range. We will also serve dessert. | 9 | 2 | 000019.0 | 19 | .00009E7 | 9 | 4/25/20 7:30 PM | ||
SE0001 | SE1 | Services |
| Personal Financial Consulting |
This one hour consulting session will allow you to ask your most important financial questions. My areas of particular expertise are Socially Responsible Investing, Value Investing, and Retirement Planning. Timing: By arrangement | 10 | 8 | 000100.0 | 100 | .00029E7 | 29 | |||
EX0003 | EX3 | Day Excursions/Adventures |
| Trout Fishing Experience |
A trout fishing experience will be customized for the individual. The experience can range from learning how to fish, to an advanced expedition exploring one of my favorite places at the best time of the year. Timing: A good weather Saturday morning - By arrangement | 4 | 0 | 000100.0 | 100 | .00029E7 | 29 | |||
FF0008 | FF8 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Southwest Dinner and Museum Tour |
This Feast is definitely for Carnivores! Fred will prepare his famous Carne Adovada on the grill The evening will begin with a special guided tour of 10 Pima Court, and the artifacts gathered therein. | 6 | 0 | 000042.0 | 42 | .0003E7 | 30 | 1/26/20 5:30 PM | ||
MI0003 | MI3 | Miscellaneous |
| UU Socks | You need these striped chalice socks. One size fits all. Spandex. Wash and Wear. | 1 | 0 | 000012.0 | 12 | .00014E7 | 14 | |||
MI0002 | MI2 | Miscellaneous |
| Framed Landscape Picture | Scenic picture. Framed size is: 13 1/2” X 16 1/2” | 1 | 0 | 000080.0 | 80 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
MI0001 | MI1 | Miscellaneous |
| Bread Maker | Enjoy the convenience and savings of making delicious breads, cakes, jams and other goodies with this gently used Zojirushi BBCC-V20 Home Bakery Traditional Breadmaker, as well as some cookbooks and baking items. | 1 | 0 | 000075.0 | 75 | .00025E7 | 25 | |||
OV0002 | OV2 | Overnights |
| Steamboat Springs 4-Bedroom Condo for three nights | Stay at our 4-bedroom condo for 3 nights either January 10 to 13, 2020; OR March 20 to 23, 2020; OR during the summer. Sleeps 8. Two bedrooms with king size beds. One bedroom with queen and one with two twins. Stairs into unit and inside unit to upper floor. Must be used be before the end of August 2020. Bid on it with friends!!! Non-smoking. No pets. Summer dates to be negotiated with owner. Located at Timber Run Resort, Steamboat Springs, CO--easy bus ride to ski-slopes, short drive into town. Heated outdoor pool and two year-round hot tubs that hold 6 each. Tennis courts in summer. Unit has kitchen, dining area, family room with gas fireplace, 3 bathrooms. | 1 | 0 | 001200.0 | 1,200 | .005E7 | 500 | |||
OV0001 | OV1 | Overnights |
| Weekend in Beautiful Granby, Colorado |
Come enjoy our 2-bedroom condo in Granby Ranch in Granby, Co for a weekend- 2 night stay during ski season or summer in 2019-20. . Not available most major holiday weekends. MUST BE COMPLETED BY END OF AUGUST 2020. In summer, enjoy mountain biking in the Granby Ranch bike park, enjoy the pool, hike nearby in Arapahoe National Forest, or Rocky Mountain National Park. Enjoy a round of golf at Golf Granby Ranch, or fish in the Fraser River. In winter,ski at Ski Granby Ranch,or Winter Park, go tubing in nearby Fraser,or check out other fun winter activities. Resort is super-family friendly and GREAT place to learn to ski. Date to be negotiated with owners. Four ski passes to Granby Ranch will be included if you come in winter. | 1 | 500 | 0 | 000500.0 | 500 | .0025E7 | 250 | ||
FF0007 | FF7 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Poker with the Pres | Come play poker with UUCBs current Board President. Show up for low stakes Texas Hold'em tournament. All experience levels welcome. Game starts at 6:30 p.m. | 9 | 0 | 000015.0 | 15 | .0001E7 | 10 | |||
FF0006 | FF6 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Chocolate Lovers Movie Afternoon |
What could be better than a chocolate lovers’ array of sweet treats and watching the acclaimed movie Chocolat? Includes a decadent flourless chocolate torte with whipped cream, ice cream with homemade hot fudge sauce, an assortment of chocolates with sparkling wine, sparkling water and coffee. Nominated for 5 Academy Awards, Chocolat is a charming, bittersweet movie with a chocolate-filled plot. Join us for an indulgent afternoon! | 25 | 12 | 000020.0 | 20 | .00015E7 | 15 | 3/14/20 2:00 PM | ||
FF0005 | FF5 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Buddha Bowls – hey, we’re gluten free! |
You gobbled these up last year, so let’s do it again! Make Your Own Buddha Bowl – start with brown rice and top with homemade, slow smoked pork shoulder or tempeh, add lots of veggies. Then drizzle with homemade sauces, like classic, sassy BBQ or a yummy, slightly spicy, peanut sauce. How about an addictive tahini, maple syrup and sesame oil combo—healthy and delicious. Dessert is chocolate fondue with various dippers. The entire meal is gluten free! Includes wine, coffee, sparkling water. | 12 | -1 | 000030.0 | 30 | .00025E7 | 25 | 2/29/20 6:30 PM | ||
FF0004 | FF4 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Wine, Women and Song – An Opera Afternoon |
Join us for a NY Met opera classic, Carmen – “has everything you want from an opera: high drama, passionate characters, a love story. And what’s more it’s absolutely packed with great melodies – even if you don’t know the opera, you’ll definitely know the tunes.” Carmen would have loved the cheese and charcuterie platter we’re serving with crusty bread and GF crackers. Dried fruits, grilled veggies, nuts, honey, mustards and fig spread as toppings, red and white wine, oh yeah. At intermission we’ll open bottles of bubbly and chocolate. Includes sparkling water and coffee. | 25 | 5 | 000020.0 | 20 | .00015E7 | 15 | 2/1/20 1:00 PM | ||
SE0004 | SE4 | Services |
| Six hours of math or science tutoring |
Six one-hour sessions of science or math tutoring. This could be for middle school, high school, or college level classes. I'm also happy to work with someone who is preparing for an exam or simply studying a topic independently. I'm a former math and science teacher with an interdisciplinary biophysics PhD. Each fixed-price bid is for a one-hour session. Subjects and levels: Meetings at agreed-upon times and places, not more than a 15 minute drive from UUCB. | 6 | 6 | 000060.0 | 60 | .0003E7 | 30 | |||
EX0002 | EX2 | Day Excursions/Adventures |
| Greening Boulder Bike Tour - for 1 group of up to 6 people |
Connect with some of Boulder’s most innovative strategies to improve the well-being of our local and global community while improving your own well-being on this scenic, energizing and rewarding bike tour. We will visit inspiring local sustainability projects and even get to be a part of the solution to food waste by joining a Boulder Food Rescue bike delivery! We end with a toast to making lives better at one of Boulder’s eco-friendly breweries. Great as a company team building afternoon! Includes: friendly, informative guides and site hosts, locally/sustainably-made snacks, reusable water bottle, helmets, and beach cruiser bikes (electric-assist bikes available for an additional fee) | 1 | 1 | 000570.0 | 570 | .0025E7 | 250 | |||
FF0003 | FF3 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Nepal and Indonesia Themed Dinner and Trip Presentation | This is an evening for anyone with wanderlust eager to learn about and enjoy the food of two exotic destinations. In fall, 2018, Ed Self hiked the famous “Three Passes Trek” in the Nepal Himalayan Everest region, followed by a very different excursion to Indonesia, Bali and surrounding islands. You’ll enjoy an evening of social fun with UUCB friends, a sampling of tasty dishes from Nepal and Indonesia, and a slide presentation exploring the distinct cultures and magnificent scenery of Nepal and Bali, as well as the twists and turns of this personal adventure. Carol Saunders and Reed Bailey have generously offered their lovely home and big screen projection system. | 20 | 5 | 000040.0 | 40 | .00025E7 | 25 | 2/8/20 5:30 PM | ||
FO0002 | FO2 | Food |
| Six Delightful Delicious Desserts | Six desserts, one a month for any six months; starting dates to be agreed upon with winner. Your choice of pies, cakes, or puddings--including apple pie, strawberry chiffon pie, chocolate cake with fudge frosting, peach shortcake, chocolate chip bars, gingerbread, chocolate or cinnamon-raisin bread pudding, and many more! | 1 | 0 | 000120.0 | 120 | .0009E7 | 90 | |||
EX0001 | EX1 | Day Excursions/Adventures |
| Bird-walk half day | Join Michael and Diana for a half day of birding in Boulder. We may be able to see wading birds, owls and other local birds nearby. You can join us early at 7 am or join us later at 9 am. Bring a bag lunch and we will wrap up shortly after noon. | 14 | 0 | 000010.0 | 10 | .0001E7 | 10 | 5/2/20 7:00 AM | ||
FF0002 | FF2 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Fondu and Flames! | We'll have a relaxed, but elegant evening of cheese raclette appetizer, Fondu main course (chicken, beef and veggie), and flaming "Bananas Foster" for dessert. Wine and beverages provided. This was very popular last two years. Since it's a real bargain, it sold out! We did not increase our price. To ensure that you get it go ahead and bid the "get it now" price of $50. | 10 | 50 | 0 | 000050.0 | 50 | .0003E7 | 30 | 4/18/20 6:00 PM | |
FF0001 | FF1 | Feasts & Festivities |
| Soup & Bonko Night |
Join others for a warm evening of fun, friendship and food. We'll start the evening with a choice of several types of soup, salad, bread followed by a light dessert. Wine, beer and soft drinks will be provided. After dinner we'll learn and play an easy mixer game of "Bonko". If you can count to 6, you can play. Prizes will be awarded (no gambling is involved.) Minimum age requirement 7 years of age. BUY IT NOW! $25 | 28 | 25 | 9 | 000025.0 | 25 | .00015E7 | 15 | 1/18/20 5:30 PM | |
FO0001 | FO1 | Food |
| Homemade Pumpkin Bread |
The best pumpkin bread you've ever tasted. Great for breakfast, dessert or snack. Wonderful gift. Freezes well and keeps. Festive for the holidays--tasty all year ‘round. Buy one to eat and save one! Price is per loaf. Contains wheat but no nuts. These pumpkin breads will be available at church on December 9th or delivery can be arranged within a 10 mile radius that week. | 5 | 1 | 000020.0 | 20 | .0002E7 | 20 |