2016 November Auction Catalog - 104 item(s) printable view
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Item0 Item Category Donors Item Name Picture Description Qty Buy it Now Left Est0 Est Val Min0 Min Price Date
FF0048 FF48 Feasts & Festivities
  • Carol Saunders and Reed Bailey
Couples Brunch Come join Reed and Carol for a brunch (champagne is you like) on our deck overlooking Boulder, with friendly, interesting conversation. NOTE: fixed price is $20 per person, so 8 places are available for 4 couples. 8 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 5/20/17 9:00 AM
AN0003 AN3 Antiques
  • Helene and Jon Bond
Russian Tea Samovar Set
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The samovar is the central symbol of the Russian Tea Ceremony. When friends visit, their hosts invite them to have a cup of tea, which typically includes cookies, sandwiches, and other items. Each feast ends with tea drinking with candies and cakes. In Russia, tea is consumed after meals and during mid-afternoon breaks, but is not considered appropriate to drink with a meal. Loose tea is brewed in either a hot teapot or a "samovar", a special tea-making device that produces strong tea called "zavarka"

What's being offered is an authentic Samovar set consisting of a teapot-and-amp electric brewing device, with cream and sugar side set. NOTE, the samovar is not wired for U.S. use but probably could be readily converted.

1 100 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
AN0002 AN2 Antiques
  • Helene and Jon Bond
Three-drawer dresser with unique hand pulls
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This dresser, though entirely functional, shows some damage on the top (see photo accompanying bid sheets). 1 75 0 000075.0 75 .00035E7 35
AN0001 AN1 Antiques
  • Helene and Jon Bond
Antique washstand/basin stand
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A washstand or basin stand consists of a small table or cabinet, usually supported on three or four legs, and most commonly made of mahogany, walnut, or rosewood, to hold a wash basin and water pitcher. The smaller varieties were used for rose-water ablutions, or hair-powdering. Larger ones, with receptacles for soap-dishes, were the predecessors of modern bathroom wash basins, or sinks. Both were extensively used throughout a large part of the 18th century and early-19th century, eventually disappearing with the advent of modern indoor plumbing.

Jon will deliver if buyer helps load his pickup.

1 150 1 000150.0 150 .0005E7 50
MB0015 MB15 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Nancy and Bud Spear
Cottage Tai Chi and Qi Gong lessons
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Three (3) one-hour sessions Wed. evenings 6:30-7:30pm: Jan 4, 11, 18 with a snow date of Jan. 25. I'll teach some simple movements and routines that can be easily practiced at home and continued long after the classes. Free consulting and answering questions after classes conclude. Suitable for beginners and those with previous experience. 15 30 12 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15 1/4/17 6:30 PM
MB0014 MB14 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Deborah Hoff
Tarot Card Reading
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Consult with the Rider-Waite tarot deck, an oracular tool using ancient Western mystery tradition symbols and images that can give useful insights and guidance. At a crossroads with a decision to make? Want to delve into a situation or relationship to gain deeper understanding or meaning? I've been playing with the energies represented by these cards for many years, and they are illuminating and fun. 3 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
SE0008 SE8 Services
  • Deborah Hoff
De-materialize your excess stuff!
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I will spend three hours assisting with your choice of activities: sorting, re-organizing, determining next stations for your possessions and goods (sale, donation, recycle, landfill). Pare down, winnow out, de-clutter, gain more space! Our belongings can hold old energy, so when we no longer need them and are ready to let them go, it can feel really good. My experience includes helping many family and friends with this work, plus my own downsizing around a house sale with 19 years of accumulation. 3 0 000060.0 60 .0006E7 60
MB0013 MB13 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Heather Ogren DiBella
Autobiographical Story Sharing Night!
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Come join me for a night of story sharing. Sharing your story can be life-affirming! We will each spend up to 5-10 minutes sharing our stories. I will provide wine, non-alcoholic beverages and snacks. Feel free to bring a photo that is related to your story, but a photo is not required. Stories can be from any time in your life. 10 8 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 5/22/17 7:00 PM
MB0012 MB12 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Deborah Hoff
Deep Guided Candlelight Meditation (Sky Room)
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From C.M. Brown (with Deborah Hoff). C.M. has been teaching yoga and meditation for 20 years across the U.S., was named best yoga teacher in Boulder County by the Daily Camera, which also interviewed him about his meditation class for seniors. He says about this offering: "Life has many distractions and opportunities for anxiety and stress. It is easy for us to get caught up in negative thinking and to find ourselves overwhelmed by the busyness of the mind. This 1.5-hour session will bring you back to your calm center and place of peace, and is a great way to stay relaxed during the holidays. The evening will include breathing practices for relaxation with seated and walking meditations." 20 15 000012.0 12 .00012E7 12 12/20/16 7:00 PM
FF0047 FF47 Feasts & Festivities
  • Heather Ogren DiBella
Stand-up Pictionary
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Not stand-up comedy...but we will play Pictionary using two white boards on easels. We'll divide into two teams, and there will be a modest prize for the winning team.:) I am not much of an artist, but I've always enjoyed Pictionary. NO ARTISTIC ABILITY REQUIRED! I'll provide red wine, non-alcoholic beverages, and some savory after-dinner snacks. If you are not a red wine drinker and/or would like something sweet, feel free to bring alternative beverages and/or sweets. 10 0 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 5/15/17 7:00 PM
FF0046 FF46 Feasts & Festivities
  • Heather Ogren DiBella
Easy Improv Comedy Night :)
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We will play an improv comedy game called Four Square. Anyone who has experience as a human being can do this...NO ACTING OR IMPROV EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! No, not the Four Square you remember from the school playground. I'll give you a basic worksheet with tips for those who have never tried improv comedy and will be happy to answer any questions before we get started. I'll provide red wine, non-alcoholic beverages, and some savory after-dinner snacks. If you would like something sweet, feel free to bring alternative beverages and/or sweets. 10 5 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 5/8/17 7:00 PM
FF0045 FF45 Feasts & Festivities
  • Whitney Wheeless and Jim Rowe
Inter-generational 80s Dance Party & Karaoke
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Come join in the fun for an inter-generational 80s dance party. We'll have great music (requests welcome), lots of dancing, and even karaoke! Snacks and beverages (all kinds) will be provided. 7:30-10 pm at the church.

$15/person. $35/family (3+).
Hosted by the Kropp/Moore, Hughes, Burgess, and Roweless families!

100 71 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 4/8/17 7:30 PM
FF0044 FF44 Feasts & Festivities
  • Briana Robustelli and Shawn Lindabury
Game and Dessert Night
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Enjoy an exciting evening of playing a variety of board games and eating homemade desserts. We have Settler's of Catan, Seven Wonders, Dominion, and many others! No experience necessary. Only a sense of adventure and the drive to trade, conquer, build, and have a great time. 8 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 4/1/17 7:00 PM
FF0043 FF43 Feasts & Festivities
  • Catherine and Andy Burgess
Diwali Festival of Lights Feast
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Celebrate the victory of Goodness Over Evil & Light Over Darkness at this harvest festival meal. Mainly vegetarian, the delicious foods of Diwali are savory and sweet. 22 4 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 10/7/17 6:30 PM
FF0042 FF42 Feasts & Festivities
  • Catherine and Andy Burgess
St. Patrick's Day Fancy Dinner Party
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Don your green and honor St. Patrick with super-flavorful takes on traditional meat and potatoes dishes, plus whiskey cocktails and more. 12 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 3/17/17 6:30 PM
FF0041 FF41 Feasts & Festivities
  • Catherine and Andy Burgess
Oaxacan Fancy Dinner Party
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Come feast on treats from the culinary capital of Mexico, Oaxaca. We will taste legendary foods from a city geared for foodies. 12 0 000035.0 35 .0002E7 20 2/11/17 6:30 PM
FF0040 FF40 Feasts & Festivities
  • Katrina Bossert
Laid-back vegetarian dinner and conversation
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I will cook a vegetarian meal (contains milk, eggs, gluten). Estimated date will be sometime this spring. 8 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
FO0010 FO10 Food
  • Diana and Michael King
Homemade Pumpkin Bread
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The best pumpkin bread you've ever tasted. Great for breakfast, dessert or snack. Wonderful gift. Freezes well and keeps. Festive for the holidays--tasty all year ‘round. Buy one to eat and save one! Price is per loaf. Contains wheat but no nuts. 5 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20
FF0039 FF39 Feasts & Festivities
  • Bob & Janet Evans
What’s Opera, Doc?
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Join Bob & Janet Evans for a yummy lunch of home-smoked ribs, cornbread and beans plus wine or beer. Then we’ll watch Don Pasquale, a comic opera about a miserly old bachelor, who decides to marry a younger woman who has also caught the eye of his rebellious nephew. Comedy and great singing ensue.

If you’ve never tried opera, a comic opera is a great way to start. We stream the fabulous NY Metropolitan Opera archives; this performance is HD and includes easy to read subtitles. We’ll break for dessert and coffee at intermission. We always open a bottle of bubbly to start the show, join us!

6 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 1/14/17 11:30 AM
MI0007 MI7 Miscellaneous
  • Marjorie Maagoe
Hardback copy of Buckminster Fuller's Critical Path
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In very good condition with original cover. Critical Path was the last book by Fuller, summing up a lifetime of work toward a sustainable planet that has inspired generations of designers, scientists, and artists. 1 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15
FF0038 FF38 Feasts & Festivities
  • Jason English & Gen Morley
3-course dinner with salad, quiche, dessert
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Enjoy a home-cooked 3-course dinner by Gen and Jay. First course: mixed-green salad. Second course: Quiche (veggie & meat options). Third course: dessert surprise. Red wine and beer to accompany. 12 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 2/11/17 6:00 PM
FO0009 FO9 Food
  • Jason English & Gen Morley
6-pack of Bell's Kalamazoo Stout
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Take home a 6-pack of creamy, delicious, Bell's Kalamazoo Stout. This brew is from my home state of Michigan, is not distributed in Colorado, and was hand-delivered by family! 1 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15
MI0006 MI6 Miscellaneous
  • Sharon and Bill Belew
Renaissance Chess Set
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Lovely chess set with classical pieces and a matching chess board. Vintage condition, with plenty of good moves left in it. 1 80 0 000080.0 80 .0003E7 30
OV0006 OV6 Overnights
  • Nancy and Peter Holt
Holt "Dinner, Bed and Breakfast at Estes Park"
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Good food, good conversation, good sleep!
A popular item in the past, this offering is back again on the Fabulous Feast menu of activities. Join Nancy and Peter June 10th for an overnight stay at their family cabin. The cabin is located just outside of Estes Park. Enjoy a delicious dinner with wine Saturday evening as well as a full breakfast Sunday morning. We can accommodate up to six guests in three bedrooms. Each room is listed separately. The room price is for two and includes all meals.

We encourage you to independently explore the many activities the area has to offer during the day Saturday. We will gather on the cabin's deck in the late afternoon for appetizers and to enjoy the expansive view of the mountains. Dinner will follow, outside if weather permits or inside by the moss rock fireplace. Following breakfast Sunday morning consider more exploration in town or the National Park or head down the canyon to attend church.

The Red Bedroom, somewhat smaller, can be made up as a king or twins. It has a shared bath and a view of the hillside behind the cabin. The bathroom is in the hall.
Opening bid of $140. Value of $210

1 0 000210.0 210 .0014E7 140 6/10/17 3:00 PM
OV0005 OV5 Overnights
  • Nancy and Peter Holt
Holt "Dinner, Bed and Breakfast at Estes Park"
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Good food, good conversation, good sleep!
A popular item in the past, this offering is back again on the Fabulous Feast menu of activities. Join Nancy and Peter June 10th for an overnight stay at their family cabin. The cabin is located just outside of Estes Park. Enjoy a delicious dinner with wine Saturday evening as well as a full breakfast Sunday morning. We can accommodate up to six guests in three bedrooms. Each room is listed separately. The room price is for two and includes all meals.

We encourage you to independently explore the many activities the area has to offer during the day Saturday. We will gather on the cabin's deck in the late afternoon for appetizers and to enjoy the expansive view of the mountains. Dinner will follow, outside if weather permits or inside by the moss rock fireplace. Following breakfast Sunday morning consider more exploration in town or the National Park or head down the canyon to attend church.

The Yellow Bedroom has a king bed, a shared bath (tub with shower) and a view out across the valley. The bathroom is across hall.
Opening bid of $155 Value $225

1 0 000225.0 225 .00155E7 155 6/10/17 3:00 PM
OV0004 OV4 Overnights
  • Nancy and Peter Holt
Holt "Dinner, Bed and Breakfast at Estes Park"
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Good food, good conversation, good sleep!
A popular item in the past, this offering is back again on the Fabulous Feast menu of activities. Join Nancy and Peter June 10th for an overnight stay at their family cabin. The cabin is located just outside of Estes Park. Enjoy a delicious dinner with wine Saturday evening as well as a full breakfast Sunday morning. We can accommodate up to six guests in three bedrooms. Each room is listed separately. The room price is for two and includes all meals.

We encourage you to independently explore the many activities the area has to offer during the day Saturday. We will gather on the cabin's deck in the late afternoon for appetizers and to enjoy the expansive view of the mountains. Dinner will follow, outside if weather permits or inside by the moss rock fireplace. Following breakfast Sunday morning consider more exploration in town or the National Park or head down the canyon to attend church.

The Master Bedroom suite has a king bed, private bath(tub with shower) and a view out across the valley.
Opening Bid of $180 Value $250

1 0 000250.0 250 .0018E7 180 6/10/17 3:00 PM
OV0003 OV3 Overnights
  • Helene and Jon Bond
Cabin in Park County, just North of the town of Alma, Colorado
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Stay just North of Alma, Colorado, the "Highest Town in North America." Visit South Park City, which stands today as a living monument to days gone by. Breathe air that hasn't been breathed before. Unobstructed views from the Eastern side of Continental Divide near bike trails. Great place for photographers, artists, and those that just love hiking and taking in the views. Drive up to see Bristle Cone Pines which are native to the Rocky Mountains and are thousands of years old.

Short Cabin Description: 600 square foot cabin with electric heat, two bedrooms (one w/bunk bed and one w/double), one bathroom (shower and tub), living/dining/kitchen area plus covered porch. Located on a Park County maintained gravel road and easily accessible.

Occupancy Numbers: one (1) up to four (4)
Length of Stay: two (2) nights
Specific or Blackout Dates: available June, July, or August but must be reserved before May 1st, 2017
Other Restrictions: no smoking/drugs
Estimated Value: $150/night
Minimum Bid: $75/night
Buy it Now: two nights ($300). Optional: three nights ($400)

1 300 0 000300.0 300 .0015E7 150
EX0011 EX11 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Carrol and Bill Kalafus
Marshall Mesa hike and Happy Hour
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Marshall Mesa Hike-This beautiful local area was the site of coal mining in the 1860s. We will meet at the trailhead (Hwy 93 and Marshall Road) and hike a little over 2 miles, with moderate elevation gain. All ages welcome. Then, on to our home where we can relax with drinks and snacks. Rain/wind date is Saturday July 22nd. 8 2 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 7/20/17 3:00 PM
FO0008 FO8 Food
  • Nancy and Peter Holt
Home Brew Stout-- 1 six pack
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Not everyone likes Stout Beer. If you do, this one is for you. Starting with a list of ingredients that amaze the beer supply store owner, followed by careful brewing technique to produce a rich, full-body Stout with smooth mouth-feel of chocolate/coffee flavors. ABV is about 5.3% with balanced hops. This is made only once a year and is being shared on the Auction for the first time! To get a comparable product at your local Brew Pub would be about $8 a glass. Buying this will let you enjoy it in the comfort of your own home at a time of your choosing, providing a moment to reflect on the spiritual aspects of UUCB! 1 0 000048.0 48 .00025E7 25
SE0007 SE7 Services
  • Helen McGrath
Portrait Photography
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Would you like a portrait of you and your loved one? Your family or children? Your pet? A Momma to be? Or perhaps a new baby? Helen's Touch can capture these special moments for you. I photograph weddings and do portraits. You will receive the digital files so that you can print a book of the special photos, email them or print them. The images will be yours. This can be an indoor or outdoor shoot. Date TBD. Please see my website at wwww.helenmcgrathphotography.com 1 250 0 000250.0 250 .0012E7 120
FF0037 FF37 Feasts & Festivities
  • Thomas Denkenwolf
Caribou Lake Slide Show
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Experience the beauty of a backpacking trip to Caribou Lake from the comfort of our chairs. We will serve stunning pictures, fun stories, and delicious dessert. 9 7 000019.0 19 .00009E7 9 3/6/17 7:00 PM
FF0036 FF36 Feasts & Festivities
  • Thomas Denkenwolf
The Joy of a Committed Relationship
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Last year I offered a dinner to discuss the joy of being single, so I feel it is wonderfully appropriate this year to offer a couples dinner to discuss the joy of a committed relationship. Carina and I have room for two couples, and we will prepare a fancy dinner served on fine china.
Note: The bid price is per couple.
2 0 000039.0 39 .00029E7 29 1/23/17 7:00 PM
EX0010 EX10 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Heidi and Steve Todd
Horseback Riding for One Adult
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Horseback Riding for One Adult. Location: Green Tree Equine Facility near Niwot. Date and time by mutual agreement. Riding spot for one adult.

Rooster and Epic are gentle and beautiful Arabian horses who are forgiving with novices and enjoyable for more experienced riders. Your winning bid buys you an hour (at least) of saddle and up-close horse time with Heidi and/or Steve guiding. Depending on the rider's experience, we may be leading the horses in the indoor/outdoor arena or riding on country roads. You must weigh less than 200 lbs. and be able to safely mount a horse (mounting block available). Horse candy included!

1 75 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
EX0009 EX9 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Heidi and Steve Todd
Horseback riding for 2 kids
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Horseback Riding for 2 Kids

Location: Green Tree Equine Facility near Niwot
Date and time by mutual agreement

Riding spots available for one or two kids (suggested ages, 7-16). NOTE: Bid is per child. Rooster and Epic are gentle and beautiful Arabian horses who love to teach kids to ride! Your winning bid buys your kids an hour (at least) of saddle and up-close horse time with Heidi and Steve guiding. Depending on the riders' experience, we may be leading the horses in the indoor/outdoor arena or on country roads. Horse candy included!

Opening bid: $50 per child (NOTE: if the two winning bidders come from different families, they will ride at the same time; time/date to be determined with bidders).

2 0 000200.0 200 .0005E7 50
FF0035 FF35 Feasts & Festivities
  • Thomas Denkenwolf
Slide Show of Solo Backpacking the Wind River Range
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Experience the beauty and the power of the remote Wind River Range in Wyoming. This slide show will take you on a 6-day solo trek into the heart of the trail-less wilderness. Stunning scenery and stories of a man's search for meaning will complete the evening.

Dessert will be served.

9 7 000019.0 19 .00009E7 9 3/20/17 7:00 PM
SE0006 SE6 Services
  • Thomas Denkenwolf
Personal Financial Consulting
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This one hour consulting session will allow you to ask your most important financial questions. To maximize the productivity of the consulting, when we set up the time we will decide which major topics you would like to focus on during the meeting. My areas of particular expertise are Socially Responsible Investing (SRI), Divestment, and the science of investment theory. Given current market conditions, I am acutely focused on downside risk mitigation.

Timing: By arrangement

10 8 000100.0 100 .00029E7 29
EX0008 EX8 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Thomas Denkenwolf
Trout Fishing Experience
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A trout fishing experience will be customized for the individual. The experience can range from learning how to fish, to an advanced expedition exploring one of my favorite places at the best time of the year.

Timing: A good weather Saturday morning - By arrangement

3 -1 000100.0 100 .00029E7 29
MB0011 MB11 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Marie & Yon Regan
Spirit Collage Workshop
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Imagery lets us connect with our deepest selves in ways that words cannot. Collage offers a means of visual expression that is open to everyone, regardless of artistic experience or ability. Come join Marie for an afternoon or evening creating one or more cards for meditation, inspiration, healing and insight. All materials and supplies provided, though you are welcome to bring magazines, photos or any other image sources you might have. Date and time to be arranged. 4 3 000045.0 45 .00015E7 15
FF0034 FF34 Feasts & Festivities
  • Dianne Ewing
Summer Dinner Before Colorado Music Festival Concert
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Diana Maiden and Dianne Ewing invite you to dinner at Diana's home before a Colorado Music Festival full-orchestra concert in July. We'll feast and then we'll go to Chautauqua. You may buy your own ticket to enjoy the concert in the auditorium, or you may join some of us on our folding chairs or quilts on the ground near the building, where we can lounge and listen to the concert for free under the stars. Dinner will include appetizers, an assortment of salads, both main-dish ones and sides, as well rolls, dessert, wine, and iced tea. All special food needs can be accommodated. 6 0 000020.0 20 .00012E7 12 7/14/17 5:30 PM
FO0007 FO7 Food
  • Dianne Ewing
Six Delightful Delicious Desserts
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Six desserts, one a month for any six months; starting dates to be agreed upon with winner. Your choice of pies, cakes, or puddings--including apple pie, strawberry chiffon pie, chocolate cake with fudge frosting, peach shortcake, chocolate chip bars, gingerbread, chocolate or cinnamon-raisin bread pudding, and many more! 1 0 000120.0 120 .0009E7 90
FF0033 FF33 Feasts & Festivities
  • Carol Saunders and Reed Bailey
Womans Brunch and easy walk
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Join other women at my home for a brunch on our deck overlooking Boulder, friendly conversation and short, easy walk around my neighborhood 9 0 000020.0 20 .0002E7 20 6/17/17 9:00 AM
FF0031 FF31 Feasts & Festivities
  • Carol Saunders and Reed Bailey
Egypt, Jordon, Petra Slide Show and Dessert
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Experience Egypt and Jordon with Reed and Carol as we visit Chiro, Aswan, Great Pyramids, Dead Sea and Petra. We also participate in OATs gifting Ceremony to local school. 15 7 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15 3/15/17 7:00 PM
ED0005 ED5 Lessons and Classes
  • Carol Saunders and Reed Bailey
Ski lesson (Telemark or Down Hill)
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Reed will take you to Eldora and work with you on green slopes to perfect telemark or down hill turns. Reed provides transportation, helps you select proper rental gear, starts you off with some dry-land training before teaching you how to do telemark turns on green slopes. Feb. 18th, 2017, or we will pick a pleasant day during the 16/17 ski season for your lesson. 2 0 000035.0 35 .00035E7 35 2/18/17
FF0030 FF30 Feasts & Festivities
  • Philip and Akane Ogren
Indian Curry Dinner
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Join us for an evening of fine dining and conversation in our home. On the menu will be Indian Curry, libations, and other accoutrements. 12 25 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 1/28/17 6:00 PM
SE0005 SE5 Services
  • Philip and Akane Ogren
Patch Your Jeans
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Want to make a fashion statement that says you are a thrifty hipster? Do you have jeans that have a hole in the knee? I will mend your jeans with a fabulous patch (or two if needed) that tells the world that your knees are unique and beautiful. Choose from a patch from my scrap pile or give me a swatch of your own fabric. 5 4 000015.0 15 .00007E7 7
EX0007 EX7 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Janet Kern and George Wolf
Biking Broomfield and Brunch
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Bring your bike to George and Janet's house in Broomfield. Bike on some paved bike trails, some quiet streets, and some fine gravel paths to explore the town and enjoy great views of the Front Range, Longs Peak, and beyond. Ride will take about two hours. Return to Overlook Drive for brunch and conversation. Don't forget your water bottle and helmet! 8 25 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 7/8/17 9:00 AM
EX0006 EX6 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Christy Feehan
Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Night!
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Have you ever wanted to be a heroic adventurer, talking, fighting, and leading your way through a dangerous dungeon, filled with menacing monsters, treacherous traps, and terrible treasures?

For you and up to five of your friends, Erty will lead you on a swashbuckling dungeon crawl, lasting anywhere from 1-4 hours (You decide!). He'll show up to your place (or host in his cozy apartment) loaded with books, maps, props, and papers to lead your group of dungeon delvers on an adventure for the ages. Date TBD.

This auction item is excellent for first-time players who have always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons!

1 1 000150.0 150 .00025E7 25
FO0006 FO6 Food
  • Fred Ells
Farm-raised, Free-range eggs
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Fresh (1 or 2 days since laid) eggs from Fred Ells' farm west of Longmont. Fred will bring one or two-dozen eggs to church on Sunday, after you text him by Wednesday the week before. You get a total of six dozen, beginning on the first Sunday of December, 2016, or a following Sunday of your choice. 2 30 0 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20
ED0004 ED4 Lessons and Classes
  • Sam Fenzel-Alexander
Baking Class
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Are you afraid of your oven? Do you want to be the star at the office, for your delicious cookies? I'm here to salve your anxiety of baking. It's just like cooking, but with more chemistry! Choose the date, and the recipe (Consultation available). I'd love to host, but if you feel more comfortable in your own kitchen, we'll do that. I'll be providing the ingredients. Individual or family lessons, I'm offering 3 separate lessons. TBD. 3 -1 000040.0 40 .0001E7 10
FF0029 FF29 Feasts & Festivities
  • Suzanne Belmont
Afternoon of Tea and Knitting
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To knit or knit to knit? That is the question. Join Suzy in her cozy home for an afternoon of tea, snacks, and knitting! Bring a project you're working on or come be inspired/learn/relax!! 4 -1 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 2/25/17 1:00 PM
FF0028 FF28 Feasts & Festivities
  • Toni Piwonka-Corle
5th Annual Wine & Cheese Dinner
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Please join us for our annual Wine & Cheese Party! Come try wines from different regions and different styles paired with your favorite cheeses. Enjoy great company and engaging conversation. Includes dinner (will accommodate all dietary restrictions). Children and teens accompanying you are welcome free of charge and don't count toward the total of 20. 20 -1 000040.0 40 .0003E7 30 4/29/17 5:30 PM
FO0005 FO5 Food
  • Toni Piwonka-Corle
Homemade Cookies!
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Tian will bake 1 batch of homemade shortbread, 1 batch of homemade chocolate chip and 1 batch of homemade ginger snap cookies for you, at a time of your choosing. You may request all 3 batches at once, or spread them out over the school year (all batches to be delivered by end of May). We request 1 week notice for each batch. Will use organic ingredients as much as possible. 1 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
SE0004 SE4 Services
  • Catherine Edwards
Resume Review and Updating
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Cathy has worked three decades in Human Resources management and is currently an executive recruiter. She offers an hour of consulting to review your current resume and brush it up to best represent you to potential employers. Any level of experience and education welcome for this service - anything to help you present yourself well. Date TBD 2 1 000070.0 70 .00025E7 25
FF0027 FF27 Feasts & Festivities
  • Suzanne Belmont
Social Justice Movie and Dinner
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Don't be bashful!! Bid on this amazing evening with Suzy and Neil - we will decide the menu and custom prepare it to accommodate the dietary restrictions of our guests. We will then show 13th, a new groundbreaking documentary by Ava DuVernay, the same person who directed the hit movie, Selma. Our apartment is small and features a cat, so allergic folks are aware. We can fit 6 guests maximum, so sign up soon and bid high for UUCB! :-) 6 -1 000025.0 25 .0002E7 20 1/21/17 5:00 PM
FF0026 FF26 Feasts & Festivities
  • Beth & Ed Schmahl
From Annecy, France, to Assisi, Italy, in 3 weeks
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Join us for photos of our recent adventure from the Alps to the plains of Tuscany. Regional snacks provided. 10 -1 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 4/28/17 7:00 PM
FF0025 FF25 Feasts & Festivities
  • Whitney Wheeless and Jim Rowe
Magic: the Gathering Tournament and Pizza Party
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Do you love Magic: the Gathering? Join the Rowe boys for a tournament of seeding rounds and then competition. All players will win booster packs. Pizza party to start the event and then the Magic fun! Open to all ages. Bring your own deck of 60-100 (or we have extras) and life counters, if you have them. Specific rules to follow before the tournament. 10 3 000020.0 20 .00008E7 8 4/9/17 3:00 PM
EX0005 EX5 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Herman & Kathy Sievering
Fall 2017 - Fall Colors Tree Walk on CU Campus
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Fall Colors Tree Walk on CU Campus; date TBD mid-October; will consider best date when peak colors occur. 15 16 9 000014.0 14 .00012E7 12
EX0004 EX4 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Herman & Kathy Sievering
Spring 2017 - Ice Age Walk
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A Sunday PM, after-church walk to learn about the Ice Age; date TBD mid-May to late-May; will consider schedules of those who sign up. 15 16 13 000015.0 15 .00012E7 12
MI0005 MI5 Miscellaneous
  • Jennifer Skiendzielewski
Third Annual Clothing Swap!
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Have you ever looked in your closet and been tired of all the clothes you see? Or items looked good in the store, but didn't work out? Those items are perfect for a clothing swap! Bring your gently worn clothes to the church--accessories, too. We'll separate them by rough sizes and see if something that just doesn't work for you can find a new home in someone else's closet! We'll have some snacks and beverages (maybe even some wine) to make it a festive event. Any items left over after the swap has finished can be taken back to their previous closets or left behind to be donated. 30 16 000010.0 10 .0001E7 10 2/25/17 6:00 PM
MB0010 MB10 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Gennifer Morley
Play Therapy Workshop for Adults (14y/o+)
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Three-hour experiential workshop with play as a means of managing stress or difficult emotions. This should be both fun and informative.

There will be reflections on the neuro-biological impacts of play mixed in with guided play experiences. Participants should go away with some concrete sense of how to directly and specifically use play in times of difficult emotion or stress.

Come play and learn.

*Please note that this will not be a therapy group, but a therapy informed play workshop. If you have questions please ask Gen Morley before you sign up.

25 16 000120.0 120 .00015E7 15 2/4/17 9:00 AM
FF0023 FF23 Feasts & Festivities
  • Deborah and Jeff Davies
Adult Coloring Books and Tea
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Adult coloring books are all the rage these days! Come to Louisville for a relaxing afternoon of conversation, coloring and tea. Bring yours, or I'll have some to share. I have color pencils and thin color markers. Tea and a few nibbles will be provided. For all ages. We have one dog and one cat on premises(but they can be banished downstairs) 8 5 000025.0 25 .0001E7 10 2/12/17 2:30 PM
FO0004 FO4 Food
  • Deborah and Jeff Davies
Grape Jelly
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Homemade jar of organic grapes, organic sugar, and nonorganic pectin from the very prolific concord grape vine at the Davies house. Yummy! 4 10 -1 000010.0 10 .00007E7 7
FF0022 FF22 Feasts & Festivities
  • Susan Secord
Code Names and Refreshments
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Come play Code Names with us – our latest favorite board game! Two rival spymasters know the secret identities of 25 agents. Their teammates know the agents only by their CODENAMES. Two teams compete to see who can make contact with all of their agents first while also avoiding the assassin.

Codenames: Win or lose, it's fun to figure out the clues. Code Names was selected as the UK Best Party Game for 2016.

Come find out why! It is easy to learn yet stretches your brain and involves strategy, as well as a little luck. We’ll serve snacks and beverages. Good for ages 14+.

10 0 000015.0 15 .00015E7 15 1/14/17 7:00 PM
MI0004 MI4 Miscellaneous
  • Bill Osher & Diane Thomas
Novel IN WILDERNESS signed by UUCB member Diane Thomas
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In the winter of 1966, a 38-year-old woman dying of a mysterious wasting illness today's readers will recognize as pesticide moves to an isolated cabin deep in a southern Appalachian wilderness to live out her last days. Gradually, she realizes she is not alone. A 20-year-old man, emotionally scarred by the Vietnam war, lives in the forest, watching her every move. What starts as observation grows into dangerous obsession in this suspenseful literary thriller.

First Place Winner (books for adult readers) of the New Mexico Press Women's 2016 Communications Contest.
First Runner Up (books for adult readers), 2016 National Press Women Communications Contest.
One of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's "10 Top Summer Thrillers" for 2015.
"A harrowing exploration of desire and obsession."--ORPHAN TRAIN author Christina Baker Kline.

2 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
MI0003 MI3 Miscellaneous
  • Bill Osher & Diane Thomas
Signed copy of The Year the Music Changed, by UUCB member Diane Thomas
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Signed hardback copy of UUCB member Diane Thomas' debut novel, THE YEAR THE MUSIC CHANGED. The year is 1955. Isolated at school by her intelligence and a disfiguring facial scar, troubled at home by undercurrents in her parents' marriage, a lonely 14-year-old girl who dreams of being a famous New York poet takes solace in the songs on her radio. After hearing a record by an unknown 20-year-old country singer named Elvis Presley, she fires off a deceptively self-assured fan letter telling him he is going to be a star. Insecure in the world he is entering and burning with a desire to succeed, Elvis answers her and enlists her to teach him how to "talk good." The year-long correspondence that follows chronicles their growing friendship and their coming of age as artists and individuals. Able to confide in nobody else, they share their most private dreams and fears. "Funny, touching, and tender....Highly recommended."--Library Journal 2 0 000015.0 15 .00005E7 5
FF0021 FF21 Feasts & Festivities
  • Rev. Barbara Molfese
English Tea Party
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We invite you to join us for our fourth annual English Tea Party at the home of Shirley Bulla, 1402 55th Street, Boulder.
Pleasant conversation, engaging companionship, traditional sandwiches, small cakes and pastries . . . and good English tea. A lovely time will be had by all!
Sponsored by Shirley Bulla, Daphne Lewin, Dianne Ewing and Barbara Molfese.
12 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15 4/2/17 3:00 PM
MB0009 MB9 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Kelly LoGiudice
30-Minute Intuitive Angel Reading
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Receive loving connections and intuitive messages from your wise beings of light, guardian Angels, Archangels, spirit guides or deceased loved ones. You will be able to ask questions and receive answers. Offered at Kelly Spirit Healing Center just off of South Boulder at 75 Manhattan Drive, Boulder, CO. 80303, Suite 103. See details at Kellyspirit.com

About Kelly LoGiudice:
Practicing since 1999, Kelly LoGiudice, LMT, ALM is a Nationally Certified licensed massage therapist, Cranio-Sacral therapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Advanced Angel Light Messenger. Her unique bodywork treatments blend nurturing, educated touch with insightful listening to your body rhythms. By guiding clients to releasing blocks or stored patterns of tension and pain, Kelly creates space for healing of clients’ mind, body and spirit. Her heart-centered intuitive readings help clients tap into their inner wisdom and discover inspirational possibilities.

1 0 000040.0 40 .0002E7 20
MB0008 MB8 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Kelly LoGiudice
One-Hour Cranio Sacral Therapy
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Release tension, relieve pain, change posture and improve whole-body health with 60 minutes of Cranio Sacral Therapy. This gentle, hands-on approach helps headaches, migraines, chronic neck & back pain, PTSD, TMJ and dental discomfort. Offered at Kelly Spirit Healing Center just off of South Boulder at 75 Manhattan Drive, Boulder, CO. 80303, Suite 103. See details at Kellyspirit.com

About Kelly LoGiudice:
Practicing since 1999, Kelly LoGiudice, LMT, ALM is a Nationally Certified licensed massage therapist, Cranio-Sacral therapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Advanced Angel Light Messenger. Her unique bodywork treatments blend nurturing, educated touch with insightful listening to your body rhythms. By guiding clients to releasing blocks or stored patterns of tension and pain, Kelly creates space for healing of clients’ mind, body and spirit. Her heart-centered intuitive readings help clients tap into their inner wisdom and discover inspirational possibilities.

1 0 000085.0 85 .00035E7 35
FF0020 FF20 Feasts & Festivities
  • Tessa and Alan Davis
Evening of Navajo Mythology and Traditional Mutton Stew and Fry Bread
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Like others in our congregation, Alan and Tessa Davis have deep connections to Navajo culture. They met when Tessa was teaching at Ramah Navajo High School. Alan, with help from Dr. Jim Hester, is the primary author of the entry on Navajo mythology (Dine Bahane)in Wikipedia. They will share Navajo creation stories and slides over a traditional Navajo meal of mutton stew and fry bread. 8 -1 000030.0 30 .0002E7 20 2/10/17 6:30 PM
EX0002 EX2 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Juliette and Robert Ford
Science for Kids
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Bring your kids or grandkids (ages 4 - 12) for about an hour of water rockets, weird shaped bubbles, homemade light bulbs and other interesting things. All demonstrations were tested on my grandkids and they still have all their limbs and eyes (and most of their fingers). Warning--this will be a repeat of last years event so don't expect new demonstrations. 10 1 000012.0 12 .00009E7 9 5/7/17 2:00 PM
FF0019 FF19 Feasts & Festivities
  • Juliette and Robert Ford
Everyone's Favorite Comedy Night
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Here we go again--bring whatever you think is funny and we'll share with the others who show up. Bring your VHS tapes, records, cassettes, DVD's or what have you (sorry, but no BetaMax or 8 track). Please identify short parts of movies, etc. in advance. If you tell us about something you've seen, we'll try to find clips on YouTube for you. Dessert and decaf coffee and tea will be served. 12 4 000015.0 15 .00012E7 12 4/1/17 7:30 PM
FF0018 FF18 Feasts & Festivities
  • Diana Maiden
Winter Soup, Salad, and Dessert Buffet at my Home
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Winter Soup Salad, and Dessert Buffet at my home. Multiple soups (one vegetarian), salad, dessert and wine. 8 25 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 1/21/17 12:30 PM
FO0003 FO3 Food
  • Diana Maiden
Six Dozen Gourmet Holiday Cookies
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No time to bake for the holidays? I will provide 6 dozen excellent cookies, of at least 4 types, for your event or family gathering. Date of delivery to be arranged at least one week in advance. 3 65 0 000065.0 65 .0004E7 40
GC0002 GC2 Gift Certificates and Tickets
  • Dianne Ewing
Tickets to Rocky Mountain Chorale Concert
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The Rocky Mountain Chorale presents an uplifting evening of song, including folk, classical, contemporary, secular, and spiritual selections. The concert is offered twice, but the auction software only allows one date. Winners choose between tickets for the first concert Friday evening, Nov. 11, in Boulder or the second concet Saturday evening, Nov. 12, in Longmont. The director is Lisa Phillips, former UUCB choir director. Several UUCB members sing in the chorale. A free reception follows each concert. 2 0 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10
OV0002 OV2 Overnights
  • Catherine Marsh & Art Rich
2-BR Condo in Ski Country
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Enjoy a week in a two-bedroom/two-bath condo in the heart of ski country. Located in Silverthorne, you will have easy access to Breckenridge, Copper, Keystone, Arapaho, and Copper ski areas. When you return from the slopes (or snow tubing, snow shoeing, or outlet shopping) enjoy the club house amenities, including hot tubs, sauna, swimming pool, racket-ball court, pool and ping pong tables.

Condo sleeps up to six persons, has full kitchen, wood-burning fireplace, queen bed in master bedroom, two twin beds in second bedroom and queen-size pull-out couch in living room.

Condo is NOT available: Nov 17-24, 2016; Dec 17-Jan 2, 2017;
Feb 11-Mar 2, 2017; Mar 11- Mar 17, 2017.

1 1,000 1 001000.0 1,000 .0085E7 850
ED0002 ED2 Lessons and Classes
  • Mary Clough and George Brandon
Introduction to Fly Fishing class
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Have you thought about taking up fly fishing, but it always seemed too complicated? Here's a simple way to get started. UUCB members Peter Holt, Tom Zanoni, and George Brandon will offer a half-day introductory class on fly-fishing at UUCB when the days warm up around mid-April in the spring of 2017.

We'll show you how to rig a fly rod and reel, run down the basic gear you'll need if you take up the sport, how much it costs, and where it's available. Then, we'll give you an introductory casting lesson, using rods, reels, and lines we'll provide. Lesson includes a dozen flies tied by Tom and George for each participant ($20 value).

Afterward, Peter, Tom, and George each will pair up with two of the six participants for a guided half-day trout fishing trip on a nearby stream or reservoir (This requires a valid CO fishing license.) We will provide rods, reels and lines to use with your flies. Surprise! There is such a thing as a free lunch; we'll provide that, including cold water or sodas.

6 100 0 000100.0 100 .0005E7 50
FF0015 FF15 Feasts & Festivities
  • Mary Jean and Peter Ewing
Intergenerational Holiday Sing-and-Play Along for All Ages
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$10 fixed price for individuals. $30 maximum cost for families (bid $10 for each family member, but pay only $30 for three or more family members attending.
Dianne Ewing, Peter and Mary Jean Ewing would like to invite you to a fun, for-all-ages, holiday-spirited event offering appetizers and sing/play along opportunity. Hope you will come help us bring in the holiday spirit!

Instruments and rhythm instruments are encouraged. We have caroling books and word sheets. We will have a piano accompanist.

Food/Drink - Holiday punch and coffee/tea
Savory and Sweet nibbles will be available

Where: Home of Peter and Mary Jean Ewing, 2050 Neher Lane, Boulder, CO 80304 (East off 19th Street between Kalmia and Norwood in North Boulder)

30 5 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 12/4/16 5:30 PM
FF0014 FF14 Feasts & Festivities
  • Pete & Kelly Dignan
Auction House at the Dignans
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Rev. Kelly and Pete invite you to their Boulder home for an Open House. Tea, coffee, soft drinks and snacks will be served. Drop in between 3:00 and 5:30 pm. Fixed price is $10/person; $20/family of any size. 80 15 000020.0 20 .0001E7 10 4/29/17 3:00 PM
FF0013 FF13 Feasts & Festivities
  • Sharon and Bill Belew
Wine Tasting at Chez Belew
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Welcome to this evening's Chez Belew wine tasting. The Maitre de Vin will be pleased to introduce you to 2 different wines from each of 4 classes, assisting you in making a formal evaluation of the characteristics of each. (Or, you could just say, "LIKE, COOL, MAN!")
All wines will subsequently be available in a Boulder wine store.

This viniferous extravaganza will start at 7:00 PM on Sat. Feb. 18, 2017, so be sure to sup lightly before. There will be appropriate nibbles (or nibblettes) to mate with the wines (please don't spend too much time visualizing this), plus a delectable, girth-enhancing dessert.

8 50 0 000063.27 63.27 .0003E7 30 2/18/17 7:00 PM
FF0012 FF12 Feasts & Festivities
  • Jason English & Gen Morley
Watch the Movie "Flight" with Gen and Jay
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Come watch "Flight" starring Denzel Washington on high-definition blu-ray on our 55" LED TV and full surround sound with Gen and Jay. We will provide drinks and Gen's famous home-made flavored popcorn. (Note: the movie is rated R). 6 -1 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 1/6/17 7:30 PM
FF0011 FF11 Feasts & Festivities
  • Jenny and Hilton Fitt-Peaster
Backyard BBQ, Games & Ice Cream Sundaes (Beer & Soft Drinks, too)
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Welcome to our backyard BBQ, all ages welcome, serving Brats with all the trimmings, Beer (regular & gluten-free) & Soft Drinks. We will play Games (outdoors weather permitting, indoors if not). Followed by an Ice Cream Sundae bar. Children $10. Co-offered by Becky, Thad & Fox Martin. 40 25 32 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 5/21/17 12:30 PM
FF0010 FF10 Feasts & Festivities
  • Catherine Marsh & Art Rich
New York Bagel Breakfast
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What is your favorite bagel flavor - poppy, sesame, onion, everything? Join native New Yorkers Catherine Marsh and Art Rich in their new home in Erie and learn to make New York-style bagels. You will mix, roll, boil and bake your own bagels. Then enjoy a traditional bagel breakfast of lox, cream cheese, onions and capers. 6 -1 000050.0 50 .00025E7 25 2/4/17 12:10 AM
ED0001 ED1 Lessons and Classes
  • Sharon and Stephen Daudt
Snowboard Lesson with Steve
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Private Ski or Snowboard Lesson for up to 6 persons. Experienced, patient, and professional instructor (Beginner thru Intermediate). NOTE: Quantity for bid is per-person to participate in a group lesson (for one to six persons). Your bid is for the cost of a full-day private lesson at Vail, Keystone or other major resort of your choosing (which typically costs $800-$950). Item includes instruction for up to 6 persons but does not include equipment or lift ticket. 6 5 000150.0 150 .0015E7 150
MB0002 MB2 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Kathleen Newton
Stimulating Conversation over Continental Breakfast
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I have been co-facilitating formal conversation groups for about four years. Here is the format:

Each person contributes two topics for discussion, one serious and one light. The first person draws a topic and each member of the group has two minutes to respond. Then we open it up for general discussion. We go around the room alternating between serious and light topics.

7 -1 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 1/7/17 10:00 AM
MB0006 MB6 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Kathleen Newton
Stimulating conversation with Homemade Dessert
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I have been co-facilitating formal conversation groups for about four years. Here is the format:

Each person contributes two topics for discussion, one serious and one light. The first person draws a topic and each member of the group has two minutes to respond. Then we open it up for general discussion. We go around the room alternating between serious and light topics.

7 2 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 2/1/17 7:00 PM
SE0003 SE3 Services
  • Ameya Warde
Genealogy Help!
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Up to 5 hours of help with doing genealogical research &/or organizing research, files, photographs, documents, etc. you may already have. I have previously worked as a Freelance Genealogist, and I was even featured on an episode of Travel Channel's The Dead Files as a genealogist! 2 0 000100.0 100 .00025E7 25
SE0002 SE2 Services
  • Philip Wittmeyer
PC Computer Tune Up
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Is your Windows computer slow, acting funny, or maybe in need of repair? Let Phil optimize your machine back to its original awesomeness. 12 50 9 000050.0 50 .0003E7 30
MB0004 MB4 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Julie Neway
Energy Balancing session
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Treat yourself to a one-hour relaxing, energy-healing session with over 20 different modalities used to balance your mind, body, and spirit. Check out my website at www.life-energies-by-julie.com 2 0 000081.0 81 .00027E7 27
FF0008 FF8 Feasts & Festivities
  • Mary Clough and George Brandon
"Value" wine tasting with GREAT homemade pizza
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Learn Mary's and George's secrets for making better homemade pizza while tasting 4 widely available "value" ($15-and-under) wines at our home in Louisville. We'll start from scratch, with tips on mixing, rolling out, topping, and baking the dough to produce homemade pizza with crispy, chewy, nonsoggy crusts (Sorry, NOT gluten free, but we'll make veggie pizzas alongside ones with Italian sausage and other craft meat toppings). Salad and dessert also provided. Bring your own apron! 6 30 -1 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15 2/4/17 4:45 PM
FF0007 FF7 Feasts & Festivities
  • Mary Clough and George Brandon
"Value" wine tasting and homemade pasta
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When was the last time you made up and rolled out homemade pasta? It's messy but fun, particularly with a group of fellow UUCB members. Join us at our home in Louisville, where we'll taste 4 different widely available value wines ($15 or less per bottle) while preparing and eating a dinner focused on pasta we'll make together. Dinner will feature salad, wines, and dessert, with multiple pasta sauces (including vegetarian) and two kinds of hand-made pasta (Sorry, NOT gluten-free). Date TBD by Doodle poll. 6 30 0 000030.0 30 .00015E7 15
GC0001 GC1 Gift Certificates and Tickets
  • Jenny and Hilton Fitt-Peaster
Pair of tickets to An Iliand, presented by BETC In this spellbinding one-person retelling of Homer's epic poem, the ancient tale of the Trojan War collides with our contemporary compulsion toward violence. Our storyteller, The Poet, who is fated to tell this tale throughout history, weaves a complicated story full of poetry and humor, heroism and horror. At the Dairy Center Feb. 2-26, 2017. Item is a pair (2) of tickets. Let me know the date you wish to attend, and I will reserve seats for you. 1 0 000042.0 42 .0002E7 20
FO0002 FO2 Food
  • Nicole deLorimier
Ghiradelli Triple Chocolate Brownies
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Baked and delivered at mutually agreed time/date. 1 25 0 000020.0 20 .00015E7 15
FF0006 FF6 Feasts & Festivities
  • Nicole deLorimier
Ham & Bean Soup dinner and card games.
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Gourmet soup dinner and card games, plus bridge or other card games 7 25 0 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 1/14/17 5:30 PM
FF0005 FF5 Feasts & Festivities
  • Whitney Wheeless and Jim Rowe
Game Night and Chocolate Fondue
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Join all ages in a fun night of board games and chocolate fondue. Yum! Bring your favorite games to share. 20 15 6 000010.0 10 .00005E7 5 1/20/17 7:00 PM
FF0004 FF4 Feasts & Festivities
  • Whitney Wheeless and Jim Rowe
A Spanish Evening - Dinner Party
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Join us for our fifth annual dinner party of good company and yummy Spanish dishes, including sangria, gambas al ajillo, paella, solomillo (pork) al whiskey, red onion and orange salad, and crema Catalana. 8 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 3/4/17 6:00 PM
FF0003 FF3 Feasts & Festivities
  • Lisa and David Hughes
Texas Hold'em 101
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Show up early for Texas Hold'em tutorial and stick around for a low stakes Texas Hold'em tournament. All experience levels welcome. Tutorial starts at 6 p.m. and game starts at 6:30 p.m. 9 2 000015.0 15 .0001E7 10 5/13/17 6:00 PM
OV0001 OV1 Overnights
  • Lisa and David Hughes
Weekend in Beautiful Granby, Colorado
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Come enjoy our 2-bedroom condo in Granby Ranch for a weekend during ski season or summer in 2017. Not available major holiday weekends. Must be completed by Labor Day 2017. In summer, enjoy mountain biking in the Granby Ranch bike park, enjoy the pool, hike nearby in Arapahoe National Forest, or Rocky Mountain National Park. Enjoy a round of golf at Golf Granby Ranch, or fish in the Fraser River.

In winter,ski at Ski Granby Ranch, go tubing in nearby Fraser,or check out other fun winter activities. Resort is super-family friendly and GREAT place to learn to ski. Two-night stay. Date to be negotiated with owners. Four ski passes to Granby Ranch will be included if you come in winter. Date to be arranged with owners.

1 500 0 000450.0 450 .002E7 200
MB0003 MB3 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Karen Morgan
Tour of Five Labyrinths in Boulder County
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We will drive to see five outdoor labyrinths in the Boulder area. We will discuss the use of a labyrinth and walk on at least two of them. We will stop for a delicious dessert at the Walnut Cafe (included in donation). Rain date: Sat. April 22. If you paid for this event last year and were not able to attend, please sign up and attend at no additional charge this year! 6 0 000025.0 25 .00025E7 25 4/8/17 1:00 PM
FO0001 FO1 Food
  • Karen Morgan
Gluten-free Chocolate Chip M and M cookies
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These cookies are FAMOUS! Let me know when in January or February you would like them! 1 25 0 000020.0 20 .00005E7 5
FF0002 FF2 Feasts & Festivities
  • Diana and Michael King
Fondu and Flames!
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We'll have a relaxed, but elegant evening of cheese raclette appetizer, Fondu main course, and flaming "Bananas Foster" for dessert. Wine and beverages provided. This was very popular last year. It's a real bargain! We did not increase our price, but feel free to pay more. 10 50 0 000040.0 40 .00025E7 25 4/29/17 6:00 PM
FF0001 FF1 Feasts & Festivities
  • Diana and Michael King
Soup & Bonko Night
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Join others for a warm evening of fun, friendship and food. We'll start the evening with a choice of several types of soup, salad, bread followed by a light dessert. Wine, beer and soft drinks will be provided. After dinner we'll learn and play an easy mixer game of "Bonko". If you can count to 6, you can play. Prizes will be awarded (no gambling is involved.) Minimum age requirement 7 years of age.


NOTE: This is being held on the Saturday of President's Day weekend.

24 25 7 000025.0 25 .00015E7 15 2/18/17 5:30 PM
MB0001 MB1 Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Pete & Kelly Dignan
Sermon on a Topic or Theme of Your Choosing
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Do you have a theological question, concern, or topic that you would like to have preached? Here is your chance. Pick the topic or share your concern, and I will prepare and deliver a sermon during the 2016-2017 program year. If possible, I will tie it to one of our monthly themes. 1 500 0 000150.0 150 .0015E7 150
SE0001 SE1 Services
  • Caitlin Moore and Will Kropp
Piano Music for Your Party - Beware the Lounge Lizard
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Who doesn't need a little lounge lizard action at their next, swanky dinner party? Will will play for an hour...your choice of sleasy airport lounge music, quiet classical, showtunes, jazz. It's your call! Time and date to be determined. 2 0 000075.0 75 .00035E7 35
EX0001 EX1 Day Excursions/Adventures
  • Caitlin Moore and Will Kropp
Craft Beer Tour - Very Cool!
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Let us take you to three of the coolest microbreweries in Boulder! Caitlin and Will will do the driving, and you do the tasting. Asher Brewery: try the Green Bullet, a fully organic and forward IPA made in a process that only creates 5% consumer waste. J Wells Brewery: try the amazing Chocolate Milk Stout that bloggers are raving about. Wildwoods Brewery: finish up with a few more tastes of local, small batch, yummy goodness. Date and time to be arranged. Two people per trip. Two trips offered. 2 0 000075.0 75 .00035E7 35